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Serving Bartlesville, Dewey, Nowata and Ramona

Visiting Angels BARTLESVILLE, OK
1401 SE Washington Blvd
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Phone: 918-333-7400
Fax: 866-576-2012
5 Tips for Avoiding Migraine Triggers

5 Tips for Avoiding Migraine Triggers

June is National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, an annual month-long campaign to spread awareness and education about headache and migraine prevention.

About one in ten seniors are affected by migraines each year. They often occur in older adults and can be triggered by a lack of sleep, stress, sunlight, and certain smells, sounds, or foods. Migraine symptoms people can experience include:

  • Sensitivity to sounds and light
  • Intense pain on one side of the head
  • Nausea
  • Yawning, fatigue, or trouble sleeping
  • Tunnel vision
  • Numbness

Taking Action Against Migraines

Migraines can impact a senior’s quality of life, so it’s essential for older adults to know what steps they can take to alleviate their symptoms and avoid triggers.

Keep reading to learn five actionable tips for avoiding migraine triggers, inspired by a list created by the American Migraine Foundation

1. Reduce Stress 

It’s no surprise that stress was reported as a trigger for migraines in nearly 70 percent of migraine-sufferers. Reducing that stress would not only help curb migraines, but also be excellent for your mental health. Mindfulness, meditation, practicing gratitude, exercise and talking to a mental healthcare professional are a few effective ways to reduce stress. 

2. Think Before You Eat 

We already know that what we put into our bodies matters, but for people who experience migraines, what they eat or drink might just also trigger a migraine. Some of the main migraine culprits to avoid consuming include caffeine, alcohol, citrus fruits, tyramine-rich foods like aged cheese and cured meats, chocolate, and additives, such as preservatives and artificial sweeteners. 

3. Keep Fragrances to a Minimum

Perfumes, colognes, soaps and lotions, and even cleaning products can all turn into a migraine in the wrong conditions. If you’re in the company of a fragrance that appears strong, take a breather and step outside for some fresh air. Be mindful of the products you’re buying too, and test them out first if you can.

4. Make Your Sleep Count 

Eight hours of quality sleep each night is ideal for seniors. For older adults who experience migraines, this is especially true because poor sleeping habits can trigger migraines. Help your body and brain unwind for sleep with a nighttime routine. Try reading a few pages in a good book or follow a guided audio meditation. Avoid consuming caffeine and using electronic devices before bed. 

5. Be Mindful of Lighting 

Glaring, flickering, and fluorescent lights can all trigger migraines. If you're out and about, wear tinted eyeglasses or sunglasses to reduce your risk, and keep a pair on you regularly in case you need them.

Avoid Migraine Triggers with Our Help 

Seniors can reduce their risk of migraine attacks by eating right, getting enough shut-eye, and reducing stress. Visiting Angels of Bartlesville, OK, provides award-winning caregiving solutions that help older adults live their best lives. We can help you plan and prepare delicious and nutritious meals, reduce stress with emotional support and social interaction, and assist with medication management.

Contact us today at (918) 333-7400 for more information on how we can help.

Serving Bartlesville, Dewey, Nowata and Ramona

Visiting Angels BARTLESVILLE, OK
1401 SE Washington Blvd
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Phone: 918-333-7400
Fax: 866-576-2012