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Serving Beaver County, PA and the Surrounding Communities

Visiting Angels BEAVER, PA
325 Beaver St
Beaver, PA 15009
Phone: 412-366-4860
Fax: 412-367-1597
PA 64293601
Signs Your Senior Loved One Needs In-Home Care

Signs Your Senior Loved One Needs In-Home Care

It can be difficult for an elderly person to admit that they need help. After all, they’re used to performing daily activities on their own, and the idea of accepting assistance feels like a threat to their cherished independence. Not to mention seniors often hide the fact that they’re struggling, so family members aren’t always aware. There are usually indications that there’s a problem, however.

Red Flags that Indicate the Need for In-Home Care

If your loved one is exhibiting any of these signs, it may be time to contact a home services agency, like Visiting Angels Beaver. Pay close attention the next time you're with them and watch out for these red flags.

Changes in Behavior

Gradual changes in the elderly individual’s behavior can indicate that they are having a difficult time around the home. 

Here are several examples to look for:

  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Letting their groceries expire
  • Pacing
  • Strange sexual behaviors
  • Paranoia that others are hiding their things
  • Changes in sleep patterns

Experiencing Cognitive Decline

Symptoms of cognitive decline can include:

  • Memory loss
  • Increased confusion
  • Difficulty performing familiar tasks 
  • Forgetfulness
  • Inability to recall names 
  • Loss of reasoning skills
  • Inability to keep track of time 

Keep in mind that the above signs can signal dementia or other memory-related conditions, so it’s a good idea to have a check in with your parent and their physician if you notice them. 

Physical Differences

These physical changes may imply that the elderly person is unable to care for themselves adequately:

  • Weight loss (from difficulty drinking and eating) 
  • Bruises or injuries (could be from a fall incident that they’re too embarrassed to share with you)
  • Poor personal hygiene (rewearing clothes, not brushing their teeth)
  • Difficulty standing, walking, or moving around 
  • Burns (could indicate the senior has burned themselves while cooking) 

Difficulty Performing Tasks

One of the surest signs that your senior loved one is in need of assistance is seeing changes around their home, such as:

  • Stacks of unopened mail
  • Extreme clutter
  • Changes in household cleanliness
  • Failure to maintain outdoor areas (overgrown grass, overflowing garbage cans, etc.) 
  • Spoiled food in their fridge
  • Stained or wet furniture
  • Unfilled prescriptions

Talking to Your Senior Loved One About Home Care

Once you’ve decided your family member requires professional assistance, have a conversation with them. Introduce the idea to them in a respectful manner, and make sure to emphasize that needing help doesn’t mean they’re weak or a burden to their family. 

Visiting Angels Beaver is Here to Help

If you’ve noticed these red flags in your senior family member, consider contacting Visiting Angels Beaver about our reliable in-home care services. Our experienced caregivers are here to help support your loved one with day to day tasks, hygiene, transportation, and more in a dignified manner. Caregivers also provide joyful companionship and conversation, boosting your loved one’s mood and preventing social isolation. 

To learn more about our compassionate home care services, simply fill out a contact form or call us today at 412-366-4860.

Serving Beaver County, PA and the Surrounding Communities

Visiting Angels BEAVER, PA
325 Beaver St
Beaver, PA 15009
Phone: 412-366-4860
Fax: 412-367-1597
PA 64293601