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Serving Cape May & Cumberland Counties Including Areas of Gloucester and Salem Counties

Visiting Angels CAPE MAY, NJ
17 Roosevelt Blvd
Marmora, NJ 08223
Phone: 609-545-8258
Fax: 609-840-6291

Elder Care Options for Lewy Body Dementia in Greater Cape May, NJ

People in their latter years who are diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia will need constant care as the disease advances. It is challenging to see a loved one deteriorate while attempting to provide adequate care for someone with dementia, a devastating illness. Assisted living facilities are a tough choice for many families to make for their loved ones. They may feel emotional and psychological strain as a result of adjusting to a new setting. If you or a loved one might benefit from Visiting Angels of Cape May's elder care options for those with dementia, they are available.

Elder Care Options for Aging Adults Living with Lewy Body Dementia in Cape May, NJ, and The Nearby Areas

Senior care professionals are a true godsend to the elderly population. Contrarily, many family members who step up to care for someone with dementia aren't emotionally or mentally ready for the challenges dementia brings. There is peace of mind knowing that Visiting Angels will provide the highest quality of elder care options for those living with dementia in Cape May, NJ, and the surrounding areas. Whether your family member is having trouble with symptom management or even simply getting about the house, our kind and experienced team is here to help. We provide in-home elder care options as a substitute for nursing facilities so that seniors may age in place, keeping them close to family and friends while they continue to lead the lives they've always known and loved.

Warning Signs of Lewy Body Dementia in a Loved One

Those who suffer from Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) see a steady decline in their cognitive and motor skills over time. With over one million cases in the US alone, it is among the most prevalent forms of dementia. Misdiagnosis of early-stage LBD occurs often due to a lack of awareness of the disorder and its symptoms, even though the condition is common.

Protein aggregates known as Lewy bodies may develop in neurons that have been injured in the brain. The progression of this kind of dementia necessitates ongoing care and monitoring for your loved one.

The majority of individuals will have these symptoms:

  • Changes to the way one thinks
  • Slow yet steady loss of brain function
  • Disengagement, clumsiness, and vision issues
  • Images that seem to repeat themselves
  • Weak mental health (depression, apathy, etc.) 
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Constraints on mobility leading to pain and stiffness
  • Irregular heartbeats and gastrointestinal problems caused by autonomic nerve system disruptions

Our Caregivers Provide Compassionate Care

Your loved one may get the caring and competent elder care options they need from our team of caregivers while they continue to age in place. In addition to providing safety, symptom alleviation, and comfort, our companionship services may assist alleviate their stress and simplify their everyday life.

Caring for a loved one with Lewy Body Dementia may be very demanding, and family caregivers may have feelings of being overwhelmed by it all. Visiting Angels' in-home assistance services may help close the gap and alleviate strain on families.

To get more information about our elder care options and to arrange for your no-cost in-home consultation, please contact us by filling out the form or calling us as soon as possible.

Serving Cape May & Cumberland Counties Including Areas of Gloucester and Salem Counties

Visiting Angels CAPE MAY, NJ
17 Roosevelt Blvd
Marmora, NJ 08223
Phone: 609-545-8258
Fax: 609-840-6291