Show Your Senior Just How Thankful You Are for Them This Holiday Season
Often we’re so busy taking care of our senior loved ones, that it’s hard to take a step back and fully appreciate them. Many times we’re worried - worried for their safety, worried they are lonely, worried they are rapidly declining. So we spend our days trying to fix things, trying to make things right for them, trying to ensure they are safe and getting the best care possible. We spend our nights paying their bills, planning for the next doctor’s visit, and making sure their laundry is clean. Before we know it, our life is kind of on a stressful autopilot, and we don’t set aside time to actually enjoy them, or show them how important they are to us. While caring for them certainly can show how important they are, we also can find other ways, even small ways, to show them.
At this time of year, when our thoughts turn to Thanksgiving, mix things up a little. Take some time out to show your senior loved one just how thankful you are for them. There are many options. Find one that best suits you and your senior loved one.
Speak It Out Loud
Sometimes it’s hard to share these emotions with our seniors, especially when we are in the midst of caring for them. But take a step back, think of ways you are thankful for them, and simply tell them. Challenge yourself to find ways even in the little tasks you do daily for them.
As you’re preparing their breakfast, maybe take a moment to say, “Mom, I’m so thankful you taught me how to cook.” As you’re helping them straighten up their home, tell Dad, “I’m so thankful for the warm and safe home you provided for me for all of those years growing up.”
And as you’re planning out Thanksgiving dinner, tell them how thankful you are to have them around for the holidays, and how meaningful family celebrations were growing up. Just hearing those words from you, knowing that you appreciate all they have done for you, can mean the world to a senior, especially as they are looking back on their life through the lens of age. Try to be specific, offering up examples of meaningful things they’ve taught you that you now have made a part of your adult life.
Sharing these thoughts can not only bring joy to your senior, but they also can be impactful for you and help you realize that even though at times it can be stressful caring for your senior loved one and seeing them decline both physically and mentally, that you are thankful for all they bring to your life. It can help you realize what truly matters in these changing times.
Do What They Love
Maybe you know that mom loves blaring Christmas carols even before Thanksgiving day. Put the Christmas playlist on as you’re driving together to get the pumpkin pie, crank up the volume and sing along together. They might be painful for you to watch, but if Grandma is obsessed with Hallmark Christmas movies, you know what you have to do. It’s time to snuggle up on the couch together, drink some hot cocoa and talk about how Ryan Peavey can play any role, from world traveler to a small innkeeper. Try to figure out how the characters will finally get together at the end of the movie. The same goes for the Colts games. If Dad is a huge fan, get overdressed in your royal blue and white and cheer for the home team. Gripe together about how the team has never been the same since Peyton Manning left, and drown your sorrows over another loss with some of dad’s favorite football snacks. Whatever it is, show them that their interests are important, and that you want to enjoy them together, whatever they may be.
Make Time Just For Them
While your parents probably love having the grandkids over, sometimes watching their latest tricks takes away from one-on-one time together with just you. Spend some undistracted time together - just the two of you. Put down your phone, and have a conversation. Tell them about your life, and listen to them when they talk and tell you about theirs. Listen to what they are saying. Even if you’ve heard the same story over and over again, pay attention and ask questions. Maybe you will hear something you have never heard before. It’s likely your senior loved one realizes how busy you are, so giving them some undivided time and attention will be meaningful to them, and show them just how important they are to you.
We Can Help
If you are looking for a special caregiver for your senior loved one, Visiting Angels can help. We can help take care of day-to-day tasks with your senior, so you can spend more quality time together. Visiting Angels serve seniors in the Columbus area. If you think home care would be beneficial for you or your loved one, and are ready to learn more about our customized home care options, contact us online or at (812) 929-0428.
We offer a complimentary in-home consultation to see what your needs are, and to show you how we can help. We will develop a personalized care plan showing you the specific services your caregiver will provide. Our goal is to ensure local seniors are well cared for and safe in their homes. Contact us today to find out how we can give you peace of mind.