5 Ways to Get Seniors Out of the House This Winter
Even though the colder weather means we must be more mindful of slippery snow and ice, it doesn’t mean older adults should spend the season cooped up inside their homes. Our local senior residents get outside to enjoy this magical time of year whenever they can.
5 Fun Activities for Seniors Outside the Home
You hear a lot of warnings about going out in the cold, especially if you’re an older adult. However, there are actual benefits to a person’s physical and mental health that come from venturing outdoors in the winter.
Of course, we aren’t talking about battling frigid temperatures and snowstorms. But when the weather is just right–not too cold, not too much snow–that’s when it’s the perfect time to get out of the house and enjoy some time among the community.
Discover these five ideas, so when you're ready to explore the Eagle area, you'll have a few great options in mind.
1. Take a Walk or Winter Hike
While many local residents love a good hike, the season is winding down, and for most older adults, winter hikes are best enjoyed closer to home. Walking is one of the easiest ways to enjoy the outdoors and escape from the house for a short time period. With a sturdy pair of waterproof boots and walking sticks, you can make a trip through the neighborhood an adventure.
2. Build a Snowman
When was the last time you tapped into your childish whimsy? If you’re creative and like to work with your hands, spend the afternoon outside building a snowman. This is a great cardio workout and an enjoyable pastime. Better yet, invite family over to partake in the process with you. Look through your closets for any fun accessories that will bring your snowman to life.
3. Join The Community Festivities
There’s no shortage of fun to be had in Eagle, CO. The Town of Eagle features events on their website–find some that fit your schedule! Christmas on Broadway on December 7 is a timeless tradition in Eagle, CO, that features a parade, pictures with Santa, and more.
4. Go Birdwatching
While many birds have migrated south for the season, there are plenty of species that stay put. Cardinals, Blue Jays, and Chickadees are just a few of the birds seniors can still see visiting their backyards.
Set up a birdfeeder and watch your feathered friends from the comfort of your own home. Up for an adventure? Visit your local park on a sunny day to see how many birds you can spot. Download the eBird app on your phone to quickly identify species you don’t recognize.
Related Reading: In a past blog, we discussed 5 Benefits of Birdwatching for Seniors, which includes a list of over ten of the best local places for birdwatching.
5. Visit an Art Gallery
Don’t want to walk around outside? Visit a local art gallery, like ARTSPaCE or one of the Vail Valley Art Guild’s galleries, to view artwork from local artists.
Related Reading: For additional ideas on where to go when you want to get out of the house, but not be outside, read a past article of ours: 5 Best Places to Spend Rainy Days in Eagle, CO.
Do You Need a Companion or Transportation?
Visiting Angels of Eagle, CO, is dedicated to keeping seniors safe and comfortable all winter long. Our in-home caregivers can assist with light housekeeping, companionship, meal planning and preparation, local transportation, and more.
Call our office in Eagle at (970) 328-5526 to talk with us.