Kitchen Safety For Seniors
For many intergenerational families who spend time together, the kitchen is a place of comfort and connection. It’s where you gather with your parents and grandparents and enjoy meal time with one another, but it’s also a place where seniors are susceptible to injury, especially when they are alone.
Research shows that there are roughly 500,000 kitchen-related accidents annually, two-fifths of which result in a visit to the ER. In homes, seniors are at a higher risk of injury. However, there are many things you can do to lower those odds and keep the space safe and joyful for your aging loved ones.
Kitchen Concerns For Seniors
You can start by familiarizing yourself with the common sources of injury that can occur in cooking spaces. The top four kitchen-related concerns include:
- Fires/Burns from Stoves: Kitchen fires cause the majority of house fires in the United States. Many start when an open flame is left unattended and catches a towel or clothing on fire, or a flammable substance spills near an open flame.
- Falls: Falling is a major concern for seniors, not only in the kitchen but throughout the house. They can be caused by unsecured rugs, wet floors, or spills.
- Cuts: Handling any sharp objects in the kitchen can put a person at risk of a cut. These don’t only happen from knives but also blenders, cans, and grater blades.
- Accessibility Issues: Seniors are more likely to injure themselves due to a lack of accessibility in their own kitchens. Problems include appliances kept at difficult-to-reach heights, and a lack of gear designed to help older people with food prep.
Tips For Staying Safe In The Kitchen
Many adjustments can be made to protect older seniors who still enjoy cooking and spending time in their kitchens. Consider which of these tips might help create a safer environment for you or an older loved one in your life.
Take Your Time
Mistakes in the kitchen tend to occur when people are rushing. This becomes even more dangerous for someone who has physical limitations that might throw them off balance. When you’re rushing, you increase your chances of slipping, running into something, cutting yourself, or burning yourself.
Encourage older family members to slow down and enjoy their time in the kitchen. When cooking meals with multiple steps, help them prep in advance, and encourage them to start earlier than they normally would. Even if you’re excited or worried something will overcook, it’s more important to ensure your safety than to prevent something from being overdone.
Invest In Safe Meal Prep Tools
Many safety tools are now available that reduce your chances of cuts and falls in the kitchen – such as automatic can and jar openers, plastic cutting knives, and gloves for people with arthritis. Invest in non-slip mats and grabbers to help you reach items higher up, and move some of those items to a lower space for someone you’re trying to protect.
You can find senior-friendly kitchen tools at your local Lowes or Target, as well as neighborhood kitchen stores like Mavens & Makers and Bennett Home Supply.
Get Smoke Detectors And Fire Extinguishers
Two essentials in every home are smoke detectors to alert you to smoke buildup, and fire extinguishers that can put out small fires if they start. If you want to assist an elderly person living alone, make sure their smoke detector has batteries. Most detectors will beep when the battery is low, but it’s best to change them at least every six months. Fire extinguishers can last up to ten years, but check the gauge every few months and be sure your loved one knows how to use it.
If you don’t have a smoke alarm, you can have one installed by your local fire department through the Get Alarmed, Alabama program.
Ask For Help In The Kitchen
There’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it, especially if getting help from a loved one or neighbor will keep you safe from accidents and injuries. It can feel tedious to ask for help in the kitchen, but if you’re planning a large meal, invite someone over to join in on your cooking adventures.
Contact Visiting Angels in Cullman for Senior Support
If you don’t have neighbors or loved ones who can help you in the kitchen – or you know someone who could use extra support – consider working with an at-home caregiver from Visiting Angels. Our team of caregivers can provide meal prep and cooking assistance to ensure a higher level of safety in your kitchen. We also offer light housekeeping, mobility assistance, medication reminders, and more.
Contact our Cullman office to learn more about at-home care services with Visiting Angels and how we can customize them to your individual needs.