You’re Never Too Old to Quit Smoking
We all know the dangers of smoking, yet the fear of cancer and other smoking-related conditions aren’t always enough to make people stop. That’s because nicotine is an addictive substance and wanting to quit isn’t always enough. While breaking a habit like smoking isn’t easy, if you want to stop, know you’re never too old to quit smoking.
Tips to Quit Smoking
Smoking is an addictive habit, but if you’re ready to quit, here are some tips to prepare you for success.
Be Honest with Yourself
When you quit smoking, it isn’t just about putting down cigarettes and tobacco, but understanding why you started smoking, why you continue to smoke, and what triggers you to smoke. Many people find speaking with a mental health professional, such as a therapist, helpful when they decide to stop smoking because it helps them better understand their habits. Once you know the reason behind your smoking, it makes it easier to devise action plans and goals to help keep you on track to quitting.
Start Slowly
If you decide to stop smoking, you don’t need to go cold turkey right away. While stopping right away works for some people, others find more success when they cut back and reduce their usage over time. Start slowly by evaluating how much you smoke each day and setting goals to help you reduce your smoking over time.
Find the Right Treatment for You
There’s no one way to quit smoking that works for everyone. You’ll need to invest time in researching the treatment option that is best for you. Some popular treatment options include nicotine replacements, behavioral therapy, support groups, and medications. Before deciding on your path, talk to your doctor about what treatments they suggest. They may tell you to try a combination of things, or they may have additional resources for you to consider. Whatever you decide, know it may take a few tries to find what works for you. Try not to get discouraged and understand that quitting smoking is an ongoing process that takes time.
Ask for Help
If you want to quit smoking, you don’t have to do it alone. Reach out to loved ones and ask for their support during your journey. Let them know how they can help you, whether that’s holding you accountable for your treatments or simply being a listening ear when you’re having a rough day. If you don’t have family or friends nearby to reach out to, talk to your caregiver about your goals to quit smoking. You can also join a support group and find a mentor who’s been through a similar situation. The more people you enlist to help you, the easier it’ll be for you to quit.
Prepare for Withdraw
Depending on your tobacco use, you may experience withdrawals when you stop smoking. Withdrawal symptoms can range in severity, including an increased appetite, nicotine cravings, cough headaches, fatigue, and constipation. You may also experience mentals and behavioral symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, depression, or mental fog. The first few days after you quit are usually the worst, and the signs subside each day.
How Visiting Angels Can Help
If you or a loved one is living with a smoking-related health condition and needs assistance around the home, the team at Visiting Angels Jasper can help. Our compassionate caregivers assist seniors with light housekeeping, medication reminders, personal grooming, mobility, transportation, meal preparations, and more. Our Jasper office serves those in Jasper and Walker County. To learn more about our services, you can complete this form online or call us at 205-388-9353.