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Serving the Lakes Region of New Hampshire and surrounding towns

Visiting Angels GILFORD, NH
401 Gilford Ave #208
Gilford, NH 03249
Phone: 603-366-1993

Summer Safety Advice for Aging Adults in Greater Gilford, NH

There is a wide variety of enjoyable outdoor activities to participate in throughout the summertime. However, elderly individuals need more care during hot weather. Certain measures must be considered while organizing outdoor activities in the sun to ensure their safety and comfort.

Seniors in Gilford, New Hampshire, and the Surrounding Areas Can Count on Visiting Angels for Summer Safety Advice

Summer's pleasant temperatures encourage outdoor activities. However, safety is priority number one. Visiting Angels is here to provide summer safety advice to make sure your senior loved ones have a happy summer.

Don't Stop Hydrating!

Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water daily is recommended for preventing dehydration, and more is needed if you spend a lot of time in the sun. Pick up a few lightweight water bottles and see if you can finish them all before heading back to the house to make sure you are thoroughly hydrated.

Don't depend on your body to tell you when you're thirsty; you may lose awareness of your thirst as you get older. Maintain your body's hydration levels by drinking fluids like water, sports drinks, or juice on a regular basis.

When you choose Visiting Angels of Gilford, we'll make sure your senior loved one has access to water and is kept safe from the heat.

Check Medications for Side Effects

Did you know that certain medications might make you more sensitive to the sun? You may still take pleasure in the outdoors without concern, although extra precautions are advised. A Visiting Angels caregiver may evaluate any prescriptions you have that instruct you to avoid sun exposure.

Learn to Recognize The Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion 

Examine the warning indicators of heat fatigue, heat stroke, and heat syncope. If you feel like you need water, shade, or air conditioning, please ask for it. Taking precautions is better than having to go to the hospital emergency department.

Limit Your Time Spent Outdoors

If you live somewhere warm, pay attention! Keep your family's time spent outdoors to a minimum to prevent unnecessary sun exposure. Staying outdoors for more than two hours is discouraged. Excessive exposure to sunlight is dangerous, even if skin damage doesn't appear right away. Enjoy the outdoors safely by taking safety precautions.

Put on some sunscreen whenever you go outside. Put some in your car or wherever else you can easily get to it. Our caregiver will be there to set a phone alert to remind your aged loved one to reapply.


Monitor the Day-to-Day Weather Changes

Seniors should avoid strenuous outdoor activity during the hot months. They should take frequent breaks in cool, shady areas to minimize overheating. The best way to prevent heat syncope and other heat-related diseases on hot days is to stay cool and rest. Caretakers help seniors in many ways, including household tasks and meal preparation. The elderly should avoid going outside and instead remain indoors where it's cool and shaded. Fan cables should not be left in locations where people will be walking.

Get Started with a Free In-Home Consultation

Professional caregivers have received training on how to watch out for their patients. They work well to prevent heat exhaustion by providing summer safety advice to your loved ones. If you or a loved one are at risk of overheating this summer, our in-home care services may be helpful. 

Find out what Visiting Angels of Gilford can do for you, and learn more about our summer safety advice by clicking below!

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Serving the Lakes Region of New Hampshire and surrounding towns

Visiting Angels GILFORD, NH
401 Gilford Ave #208
Gilford, NH 03249
Phone: 603-366-1993