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Serving Lake, Geauga, and Northeast Cuyahoga Counties, Ohio

Visiting Angels NORTHEAST OH
8451 Mentor Ave
Mentor, OH 44060
Phone: 440-974-0869
Fax: 866-257-1675
Best Stretches & Other Tips to Improve Senior Flexibility

Best Stretches & Other Tips to Improve Senior Flexibility

Many people understand the importance of physical activity to overall health, but one aspect of physical activity that individuals often overlook is flexibility training. As you age, your joint and muscle flexibility decreases, negatively affecting your mobility. However, research suggests that incorporating flexibility training into your routine may help lower flexibility decreases. 

What Is Flexibility Training, And Why Is It Important?

Flexibility training involves exercises that improve and maintain flexibility. Stretching is one of the main components of flexibility training. It involves lengthening muscles and tendons, helping improve their elasticity leading to better mobility, flexibility, and range of motion. 

There are two primary types of stretches:

  • Dynamic stretching is an active stretch meant to warm up your muscles. It helps prepare the body for movement and is perfect before any physical activity, even walking. 
  • Static stretching is a nonactive stretch in which you hold a position or pose for an extended period. It is best for cooling down and returning the body to its resting state. 

Flexibility training should be part of a greater fitness program for best results. You can incorporate stretches into your workouts as warm-ups and cool-downs or focus a day or two on muscle and tendon flexibility exercises.

Best Stretches For Seniors

Knowing where to start stretching can feel overwhelming, like any new activity. But don’t let the fear of trying something new become a barrier to improved mobility, flexibility, and range of motion. If you’re new to stretching, start by trying a few of these beginner stretches below. You can also visit More Life Health, which provides a large list of full-body and targeted stretches for seniors to try, including photos!

Good Morning Stretch 

Good morning stretches are a great full-body stretch for beginners because you’ve probably done a good morning stretch without realizing it. For a good morning stretch, lay flat on your back with your arms stretched out overhead and your legs straight in front of you. Take a deep breath and gently reach out from the tips of your fingers and toes, feeling the full body stretch. As you exhale, relax your body and gently round your spine. Continue these movements with your breath three to four times. 

Seated Knee Stretch

A seated knee stretch is a great way to stretch the knee, ankle, and calf. Start by sitting up straight on a sturdy chair with both feet planted on the ground. Slowly raise one leg to about hip height, straightening at the knee. Maximize this stretch by flexing the foot so your toes point toward you and hold for five seconds. Then point your toe and hold for another five seconds. Do each flex of the toes twice before switching to the other leg. 

Overhead Side Stretch

The overhead side stretch targets the sides of your abs, shoulders, lats, and neck. You can perform this stretch seated or standing. Whether seated or standing, you’ll start with a straight spine. Slowly raise one arm over your head while keeping the other relaxed at your side. Gently reach your lifted hand over your head toward the opposite side of your body. You can deepen the stretch, turning your gaze toward the ceiling. Hold the position for five to ten seconds before switching to the other side. 

Figure Four Stretch 

The figure four stretch is an excellent hip opener and may relieve tension in the lower back. Start on your back with arms by your sides, feet flat on the ground, and knees tented toward the ceiling. Keep one foot planted as you bring the opposite foot to the planted foot’s knee. You can stay in this position or wrap your arms around the thigh of the planted foot and pull your legs toward your chest. Hold the position for eight seconds before switching to the other side.

What To Know Before You Stretch

Stretching is a physical activity, and there is a risk of injury, especially if you’re not going about a stretch correctly. Here are a few things to consider before you start stretching:

  • Understand the purpose of the stretch before starting it. Before you jump into a stretch, you want to understand what part of the body the stretch is working. Knowing the purpose of a stretch helps you identify if you’re doing it correctly. 
  • If it hurts, don’t do it. Some stretches may cause slight discomfort, but no stretch should cause pain. If you’re stretching something and it hurts, stop the stretch.
  • Try a modification. Everyone’s body is different, and you may need to modify a stretch to achieve the desired results. A modification is a different approach to a stretch to accommodate your body. Modifications can include sitting for a stretch instead of standing or changing a movement to relieve tension. 
  • Don’t expect immediate results. Your flexibility and mobility are not going to improve overnight. You need to consistently stretch for a couple of weeks before you notice significant results. 

Working With Visiting Angels

Improving flexibility is essential for maintaining your mobility, but mobility changes can still arise even with regular stretching and movement. That’s where Visiting Angels can step in to help. Our team of compassionate caregivers provides non-medical assistance to seniors, ensuring their safety and comfort while aging at home. Our services include mobility assistance to help clients sit, stand, walk, and lie down. 

In addition to mobility assistance, our caregivers can help with grooming, running errands, dressing, cooking, medication reminders, transportation to appointments, and light housekeeping. We also provide specialized care, such as dementia, end-of-life, and transitional care. 

It’s never too early or late to start working with a professional caregiver. Contact our Northeast Ohio office to schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how at-home caregiving with Visiting Angels can benefit you.

Serving Lake, Geauga, and Northeast Cuyahoga Counties, Ohio

Visiting Angels NORTHEAST OH
8451 Mentor Ave
Mentor, OH 44060
Phone: 440-974-0869
Fax: 866-257-1675