Keep Your Senior Loved Ones Healthy This Winter
As the frigid chill of winter begins to set in, the risk of illness increases. From the common cold to influenza and pneumonia, respiratory diseases can cause serious health challenges, particularly for seniors. Severe respiratory illness could increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 70% of flu-related hospitalizations occur among people over 65. Yet almost 30% of seniors don’t get a flu shot, which can help protect against infection.
Respiratory diseases, such as the flu, spread more easily during the colder months for three important reasons:
- More people are closer together indoors
- Viruses travel more easily through dry air
- Cold temperatures can slow down the immune system
4 Tips to Help Seniors Stay Healthy and Germ-Free During the Winter
Winter may give pesky germs certain advantages, but you can help your senior get the upper hand through these four simple tips:
1. Practice Good Hand Hygiene
One of the best ways to prevent the spread of flu and other respiratory viruses this season is by keeping hands clean.
Germs can spread from person to person when you don’t wash your hands with soap and water. Help your senior remember to wash their hands at these important times:
- Before, during, and after they prepare and/or eat food
- Before and after treating a cut or a wound
- After using the toilet
- After shaking hands
- After blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing
When soap and water aren’t available, hand sanitizers can help reduce the transmission of viruses and bacteria that could lead to serious illness this season.
2. Cover Mouths and Noses
When you or a loved one are sick, wearing a mask over the nose and mouth can help lower the risk of spreading a respiratory virus.
Mask-wearing can help your senior stay well when respiratory illnesses spread in their community. Encourage family members not to visit if they are sick. If they must visit, ask them to wear a mask and wash their hands regularly during their visit.
3. Get All the Recommended Vaccines
Vaccination is the most important step you and your loved ones can take to prevent serious complications from a respiratory virus. Vaccines help the body’s immune system recognize and defend against viruses.
The CDC recommends the following vaccinations for seniors:
- Current influenza and COVID-19 vaccine for all adults
- RSV vaccine for everyone over 75 and anyone over 60 at risk of severe chronic conditions, such as heart disease or a weakened immune system
- Pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination for all adults over 50
- Shingles vaccine for adults 50 and older
- Tdap, which protects against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough), every 10 years or as recommended by a doctor
4. Take Care at Holiday Gatherings
Many viruses spread when family and friends gather to share holiday cheer, so it's essential to take steps to protect your senior loved ones during this time of celebration.
Large gatherings, crowded travel, and time indoors can all increase the risk of sharing more than just quality time with family. The CDC recommends the following to stay healthy and avoid illness during the holidays:
- Stay home if you are sick
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Wear a mask in crowded spaces, such as when traveling
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
- Wash your hands often
Spread Cheer, Not Germs, This Winter Season
This winter, prioritize spreading cheer while keeping germs at bay. By taking proactive steps to support your senior’s health and well-being, you can ensure they enjoy the season safely and comfortably.
At Visiting Angels, we’re here to help. Our dedicated caregivers provide personalized in-home care, assisting with everything from maintaining a clean environment to promoting healthy habits and offering companionship to brighten their days.
With Visiting Angels by your loved one’s side, you can ensure they’ll stay healthy and happy this winter and beyond.
Contact us today to learn how Visiting Angels can help your senior loved one all year long.