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Serving The Greater Toms River- Brick area and communities throughout Ocean County

Visiting Angels TOMS RIVER, NJ
74 Brick Blvd #109A
Brick, NJ 08723
Phone: 732-240-1050
Fax: 732-240-0702
Reminiscing Is Good for The Soul

Reminiscing Is Good for The Soul

Reminiscing is remembering, recollecting, or recalling past events. It describes the act of enjoying pleasant recollections of the past. It doesn't matter what the time period is, reminiscing can include an event that happened a week ago or years ago. Having a chance to reminisce about past events can be enjoyable for anyone, and it can be especially rewarding for seniors.

Reflection and memory can help older adults remember who they used to be. By doing so, they can define their identities today. As people age, they tend to lose their identity and interest in hobbies they used to enjoy. This is known as identity disturbance. A person with identity disturbance has difficulty determining who they are in the eyes of others. As people age, memories begin to fade, so it is important to reminisce about the things that shaped you, so you can feel secure about yourself and your memories. In this way, you can remain true to your values and remain independent.

Reminiscing Preserves Family History

Family is important. What we share today with our families is what they will pass on to their children tomorrow. Reminiscing with family is a great way to discover our unique heritage and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Reduces Depression

Recalling your past brings back happy memories and honors those who shaped you. Remembering and appreciating loved ones can help eliminate depressive feelings and thoughts. Reminisce Therapy is used to treat dementia and depression in older adults. Distracting the person from their current state of mind allows them to reflect in peace.

Eradicates Boredom

Reminiscing on the past can help seniors feel less lonely and bored. By remembering past experiences, the senior can gain a new perspective on today and to relive those happy moments, wiping away their gloomy feelings. Positive memories can also bring laughter and entertainment to seniors and the people around them.

Strengthens Communication Skills

Whatever the personality of the senior, reminiscing can help them improve their communication skills. A senior who enjoys a topic might be able to talk for hours about it. Whether it is about their family, friends, or a memorable experience, it is a conversation both parties will enjoy.

Reminiscing isn't just for older adults; it's a great hobby for anyone who is interested in looking back on their past and the times they had with the people they love. Visiting Angels Tom River encourages our clients to speak about their families and memories, and our caregivers love the in-depth conversations that come with reminiscing. Whether the conversation lasts two minutes or two hours, our caregivers are ready and willing to listen.

Serving The Greater Toms River- Brick area and communities throughout Ocean County

Visiting Angels TOMS RIVER, NJ
74 Brick Blvd #109A
Brick, NJ 08723
Phone: 732-240-1050
Fax: 732-240-0702