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Serving Portage, Geauga, and Southern Cuyahoga Counties.

Visiting Angels PORTAGE, OH
240 W Riddle Ave
Ravenna, OH 44266
Phone: 330-297-2000
Combat Loneliness: Social Opportunities For Veterans

Combat Loneliness: Social Opportunities For Veterans

Loneliness among seniors is a growing concern, with more than 37 percent of adults between 50 and 80 years old expressing feelings of loneliness. Loneliness is more than a feeling; it’s a serious risk factor for conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and cognitive decline. And while all seniors can experience loneliness, it is more prevalent in veterans.

Many factors may contribute to a person’s loneliness, but finding and engaging in social opportunities can significantly impact your mental health and reverse the feelings of loneliness, especially among senior veterans.

Opportunities For Connection in Ravenna

Ravenna is a wonderfully supportive community with many opportunities to connect with other seniors and residents. Whether you’re looking for a senior or veteran-specific event or simply want to meet new people, you’re sure to find something in Ravenna that will spark your sense of community and belonging.

Senior Centers

Many seniors experience feelings of loneliness and social isolation, and meeting with seniors who understand what you’re experiencing can be a rewarding way to feel less alone. Consider stopping by one of these local senior centers to connect with fellow residents.

  • Portage County Senior Center: This center offers many weekly activities, such as card games, art classes, workouts, and bingo. It also hosts monthly potlucks, educational seminars, and other special events.
  • Bainbridge Senior Center: In Chagrin Falls, this senior center opens its door to any senior wanting to interact with others through games, exercise, lunch at local restaurants, or over tea, coffee, and a donut (donuts on Thursdays!).
  • King Kennedy Community Center: This center is open to all residents, not only seniors, and it offers senior-specific programs such as meal assistance, financial help, and volunteer opportunities.

Veteran Meetups

There’s a certain level of comfort and understanding among veterans. Veteran meetups are a wonderful way to connect with other veterans who have similar challenges and opportunities. Two places to meet local veterans in Ravenna include:

  • American Legion: This organization hosts local meetings and national conventions for veterans to connect and collaborate. Senior veterans who need resources such as housing or temporary financial assistance can check out the American Legion’s community programs.
  • VFW Post 1055 Ravenna, Ohio or Your Local VFW: Veterans can go to the local VFW office to learn about volunteer opportunities, participate in group meetings, or attend events like dinners and game nights. There are offices in many of the areas that we serve at Visiting Angels of Portage. You can find your local VFW on their website.

Hobby Groups

Sharing a hobby with others is a great way to connect and make friends. There are tons of hobby groups throughout the city. A few popular ones open to residents include:

  • Adult Reading Groups: The Reed Memorial Library hosts monthly events, including a book club for adults.
  • Pottery Class: Try your hand at pottery with a workshop or art class at Studio Clay.
  • Garden Club: Connect with other garden and nature lovers at the Ravenna Garden Club.

Your County’s Veterans Service Commission

Each county offers its own Veterans Service Commission. While their primary mission is to assist veterans and their families who are facing hardships, they are an invaluable resource for any veteran. Depending on the county you live in, you can contact one of the following:

Visiting Angels of Portage Proudly Serves Veterans

At Visiting Angels Portage, we are honored to give back to our community veterans through at-home assistance and companionship. Our caregivers can provide transportation to social events and encourage veteran clients to engage with their community, helping them find resources like the ones we mentioned above. Additionally, our Angel caregivers offer a companion to spend time with over shared hobbies, good conversation, or simply watching a good movie at home. Whatever you or your veteran loved one enjoys doing in their retirement, we can ensure that they do it safely and with a helping hand from a Visiting Angels caregiver.

Contact our Ravenna office for more information on how Visiting Angels can help combat loneliness for senior veterans. Call 330-297-2000.

Serving Portage, Geauga, and Southern Cuyahoga Counties.

Visiting Angels PORTAGE, OH
240 W Riddle Ave
Ravenna, OH 44266
Phone: 330-297-2000