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Serving Midlothian, Richmond, Henrico and throughout the Southside neighborhoods of Brandermill, and Bon Air

Visiting Angels RICHMOND, VA
9019 Forest Hill Ave #1C
Richmond, VA 23235
Phone: 804-423-6500
Fax: 804-505-8668
Easy, Nutritional Snacks for Seniors This Season

Easy, Nutritional Snacks for Seniors This Season

With spring in full swing, it’s a great time to incorporate some of the fresh flavors of the season and some easy new treats into the diets of our senior citizens. As we think about snacks and foods to eat, it also is important to ensure they are healthy, and provide some of the nutrients that aging adults need, rather than just empty calories. When adults age, their metabolism slows, and energy needs often decrease. Getting the most bang for your buck with snacks - nutrients, and something that is filling, is the best bet for health and a healthy weight.

To find the freshest of the bunch, head to a local farmer’s market, such as the Westchester Farmers Market, which is open on Thursdays starting in May. Or as the ground thaws, plant some of your own produce. According to experts, the next few weeks are the best time to start your garden in the Midlothian area, for frost free planting. 

Whether you are buying your snacks, growing them or a combination of both, here are some ideas for healthy and easy snacks at this time of the year. Some are old favorites, some are new ideas and some are a combination of both.

Homemade Fruit Cocktail: A favorite of years gone by is fruit cocktail. You can put a healthy spin on it, though, without that sugary syrup sauce. Cut up a variety of fresh fruits such as watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, raspberries and pineapple, and mix them together in a bowl. To get the cocktail effect, you can puree some strawberries and mix the sauce in with the fruit. Squeezing a fresh lemon into the bowl of fruit also is an option for a little zing. Or you can also add a dollop of Greek yogurt for extra protein, flavor and creaminess in your cocktail creation. 

Freeze Individual Fruits: Instead of sugary popsicles to snack on, try freezing fruits that you can just grab on a hot day for a sweet treat. Kids of all ages love frozen grapes, which to some are even better than unfrozen grapes. Another fun fruit to freeze is peaches. To enjoy the fruits frozen, rinse and freeze a few pieces of your favorite fruit, and see how you like it. Experiment with different fruits, and see what you like best for a cold snack on a hot day.

Homemade Popsicles: If you’re still craving a popsicle, try making your own to be a little healthier and less sugary. You can orange juice in a popsicle mold, and add some blueberries for a great taste combo. Other juices also work, and you can put in fruit, or even some dark chocolate chips as you make your popsicle. Freezing Greek yogurt is also a healthy way to make popsicles.

Yogurt Bark: Since we’re on the yogurt idea, you can also make yogurt bark in the freezer. Just spread plain Greek yogurt on a baking sheet, and top it with fresh fruit and freeze. For a little sweeter flavor, add in some agave, honey or maple syrup. Chocolate chips or nuts also are a great way to mix up the flavor. Make sure to freeze it until it is solid. Break the pan of yogurt bark into little pieces for a fun, convenient snack.

Vegetables with Hummus: Take the bounty from your garden, and cut up and enjoy as a snack. To give them a little more flavor and protein, pair your carrots, celery, cucumber, and cherry tomatoes with either a homemade, or store or market bought hummus. It packs more protein and less bad stuff for you than ranch dipping sauce. You can spice up your hummus with things such as hot red peppers, or simply add to the flavor palette, but adding garlic or olive oil.

A Great Spread: To make eating your veggies and protein a little more fun, make a great spread with a variety of different foods and include them into a fabulous charcuterie board. Depending on the day or if you’re celebrating, you can shape it into a spring flower or even a rainbow for the bright spring season. For a health board, include fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meats and nuts. You can add a variety of cheeses, and even some pickles. Get creative. Take those leftover veggies you might not otherwise eat, and turn them into something fun to eat. You can put local honey on the board as a dipping sauce, or some cacao nibs for a little chocolate flavor. 

Visiting Angels Can Help

If your senior is on a quest to eat healthier, just be healthier overall, we at Visiting Angels can help. Our expert caregivers can help them with light meal prep, and also help ensure they are eating throughout the day. Our professional can go for walks with your favorite senior citizens, and ensure they are safe and steady on their feet, as well as bring them to doctor’s appointments. At Visiting Angels, we offer the services your senior needs to age safely in place in the comfort of their own home. Our professional caregivers can help with everything from helping your senior loved ones get ready to tackle the day, to offering specialty care for clients with dementia.

We serve seniors in the Midlothian area, including in Richmond, Henrico and throughout the Southside neighborhoods of Brandermill and Bon Air. To find out more about our services and how they can help you, contact us online or call us today at 804-423-6500.

If you are considering helping to care for seniors in your area, we are always looking to add compassionate caregivers to our staff. Contact us for more information. 

Serving Midlothian, Richmond, Henrico and throughout the Southside neighborhoods of Brandermill, and Bon Air

Visiting Angels RICHMOND, VA
9019 Forest Hill Ave #1C
Richmond, VA 23235
Phone: 804-423-6500
Fax: 804-505-8668