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Serving Rockford, Winnebago, and Boone Counties, Beloit, WI

Visiting Angels ROCKFORD, IL
3600 E. State St #303
Rockford, IL 61108
Phone: 815-977-3452
Fall Prevention: Preventing Senior Injuries

Fall Prevention: Preventing Senior Injuries

When a senior experiences an injury as the result of falling, it has a huge impact on their entire quality of life. Not only do they suffer physically, their emotional and mental health is also greatly affected. The individual may start declining invitations to family and social functions due to fear of falling, which leads to isolation and loneliness. 

It makes sense that elderly people are afraid of falling. According to the CDC, falls are the most common cause of injury and death for those over the age of 65. 36 million falls are reported among elderly people each year, leading to hip fractures, head injuries, and over 32,000 deaths. 

Those numbers are staggering, but the good news is that many fall occurrences are preventable. Here is guidance to help your senior loved one avoid fall risks and stay safe while in public and around their home.

What You Can Do to Prevent Falls

The CDC recommends the following advice to help prevent falls: 

  • Talk to your family member’s medical team about fall risks and prevention. Some medications and medication combos can cause dizziness and drowsiness, which make falls more likely to occur.
  • Store frequently used items in easily accessible areas so that they can access them without using a step stool. 
  • Encourage your elderly loved one to exercise to improve balance and leg strength. Physical activities like regular walking and Tai Chi are helpful.
  • Have them schedule regular appointments with their eye doctor to make sure their prescription is up to date. Eye conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts can increase their chances of falling.
  • Additionally, seniors should have their physician check their feet to see if a visit to a foot specialist is needed.
  • Make sure they wear well fitting shoes with proper support both inside and outside the home. 
  • 55 percent of falls take place inside the home, so checking their home for fall hazards is especially important. Reduce clutter that the elderly person could trip over, like papers, books, and clothing. In the bathroom, help them install grab bars in their shower and next to the toilet and purchase non-slip bath mats.
  • Upgrade the lighting around their home so they can see better. Lightweight shades can help reduce glare and improve their ability to see. Have handrails and lighting installed on their staircases. 

Fall Prevention From Visiting Angels Rockford Can Help

Visiting Angels Rockford is committed to educating seniors and their family about fall risks. We can help your senior loved one avoid slips and trips with our Fall Prevention Program as part of our personalized in-home care services. Our team member will come to your elderly family member’s home in the Rockford area to test their balance and provide interventions, including medication monitoring and household safety modifications.

If you are interested in starting in-home services with Visiting Angels, fill out our contact form or give us a call at 815-977-3452. We are ready to help your elderly relative lead a healthier and safer life with our trusted Fall Prevention Program.

Serving Rockford, Winnebago, and Boone Counties, Beloit, WI

Visiting Angels ROCKFORD, IL
3600 E. State St #303
Rockford, IL 61108
Phone: 815-977-3452