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Serving Oklahoma City and Southeast Oklahoma County

9024 SE 29th #C
Oklahoma City, OK 73130
Phone: 405-259-9155
Fax: 405-455-5109
Dating Tips to Help Your Senior Stay Safe

Dating Tips to Help Your Senior Stay Safe

Romance and passion are not just for the young. In an era where love knows no age limits, dating can be fun and healthy for your aging senior. A healthy relationship can positively affect their mental and physical well-being and reduce isolation.

Today, there are more ways than ever for your loved one to connect with people—from online platforms to real-world encounters.

While the avenues for socializing seem endless, safety becomes paramount for your senior venturing into the daunting dating scene.

Safety Tips for Dating in Person for Seniors

Seniors, like anyone, may long for meaningful relationships as they age or desire to fall in love again. Maybe they just want a close companion.

If your senior loved one is planning to go on a date or meet a new friend in person, make sure you ask them to:

  • Arrange the meeting in a well-lit public area.
  • Tell you where they’re going, who they’re meeting, and when they’ll be back.
  • Trust their instincts. If something feels wrong, let them know it’s okay to leave the date early. Encourage them to tell you if they feel pressured to give affection or money.

Safety Tips for Dating Online for Seniors

Dating has changed significantly during the past decade – thanks to advanced technology. About 17% of Americans older than 50 have used a dating app or site, and it’s likely these numbers will rise.

Unfortunately, seniors can be deceived on online dating apps when individuals misrepresent themselves with false information or photos. Scammers often target seniors, exploiting their vulnerability by posing as genuine romantic interests to extract personal or financial information. 

Share these tips with your senior loved one to help them safely navigate an online romance or friendship:

  • Don’t share personal photos until the relationship is well-established.
  • Never send money to someone you haven’t met in person, and use discretion after meeting face to face.
  • New friends should only be allowed in the home after proven trustworthy.
  • Never share logins or passwords for any account.
  • Don’t provide personal information, such as date of birth or social security number.
  • Ask them to keep you in the loop on their plans and whereabouts if they plan to meet someone in person.

Red Flags: Tips to Avoid Elderly Scams

In 2022, the Federal Trade Commission reported that more than 70,000 people fell prey to romance scams with a median loss of $4,400. Some of the most common scams include claims that the individual:

  • Needs money for a sick or injured family member
  • Can teach your loved one how to invest
  • Is in the military far away and needs money for support

Keep an eye out for popular in-person and online scams, such as:

  • Love bombing: Excessive, over-the-top flattery early in the relationship could be a tactic to manipulate or exploit your senior loved one.

  • Refusal to show their face: Scammers often use fake profiles or make excuses to avoid meeting in person or via a video call. Seniors should be wary if someone hesitates to reveal their true identity.

  • Inconsistent stories: If someone’s backstory keeps changing or gets caught in lies, it’s a red flag they may not be genuine.

Talk About Senior Dating

Your senior may be looking for a genuine connection or relationship. They may believe that you—and other family members and friends—will judge them harshly or prevent them from dating. This can lead to anxiety, stress, and embarrassment.

By engaging in an open dialogue with your loved one about their dating experiences, concerns, and needs, you both can cultivate an environment of trust and understanding as they dive back into the world of dating.

Serving Oklahoma City and Southeast Oklahoma County

9024 SE 29th #C
Oklahoma City, OK 73130
Phone: 405-259-9155
Fax: 405-455-5109