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Serving Oklahoma City and Southeast Oklahoma County

9024 SE 29th #C
Oklahoma City, OK 73130
Phone: 405-259-9155
Fax: 405-455-5109
Preparing for the Summer Heat: Safety Tips for Seniors

Preparing for the Summer Heat: Safety Tips for Seniors

Many people associate the most seasonal dangers with winter due to the ice and snow much of the United States treks through. However, the summer heat can be just as concerning, especially for older generations.

As we approach warmer weather, Visiting Angels SE-OKC is here to remind our community of safety tips to follow when things really heat up outside. This article is the first of a three-part series discussing safety tips to navigate the summer heat, what adventures seniors can safely partake in, and how to stay hydrated. 

7 Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Staying safe in the summer doesn’t mean you have to remain indoors the entire time. Instead, it’s about being smart about your sun exposure. Read on for tips on how you and your aging loved one can stay safe this summer. 

1. Hydration, Hydration, Hydration

Drinking enough water can help keep your body hydrated and fight off the effects of higher temperatures. As tempting as it might be to consume alcohol, soda, or other caffeinated or sugary drinks, these can actually make you more dehydrated. 

2. Dress Appropriately

Covering up in the summer can increase how much you sweat, but aging skin requires additional protection. Light, airy clothing can help you reflect the sun’s rays without feeling weighed down by your clothing. 

3. Cool Off With Air Conditioning

Reducing your body’s temperature can help you avoid heat exhaustion and a visit to the emergency room. Allow your body to acclimate to varying temperatures, but don’t be ashamed of standing in front of the air conditioning unit every so often. 

4. Properly Store and Take Medications

While most medications can easily withstand higher temperatures, some may require a cool, dry place to avoid spoiling. Ensure your medications are properly stored and that you take them as directed. 

5. Wear Sunscreen

Whether you actually go out into the sun or just stay in the yard at home, sunscreen can help protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays. Many sunscreens offer long-term protection but don’t forget to reapply if you plan to be out for a few hours. It doesn’t have to be hot out for the sun to cause damage, so you should be doing this now, even in the cooler spring months.

6. Get Outside Early or Late 

If you want to get out of the house, temperatures during the summer tend to be lower in the mornings and evenings than in the middle of the day. Plan activities during these hours to avoid most of the heat. 

7. Take It Easy 

If you’ve felt cooped up for the entire winter and spring, getting outside in the summer can help you release energy. However, you should take breaks and avoid overexerting yourself. 

Stay Cool This Summer with Visiting Angels SE-OKC

As delightful as it might be to soak up the sun’s rays and enjoy being outside, seniors must take their health seriously during the summer. Visiting Angels SE-OKC caregivers recognize the potential for many heat-related health conditions, which is why we offer the following resources: 

If you’d like to learn more about how Visiting Angels SE-OKC caregivers can help you or an aging loved one, contact us for a free consultation. We prioritize caring for local seniors, regardless of the time of year.

Serving Oklahoma City and Southeast Oklahoma County

9024 SE 29th #C
Oklahoma City, OK 73130
Phone: 405-259-9155
Fax: 405-455-5109