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Serving San Luis Obispo County, California

Visiting Angels SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA
3211 Broad St #105
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: 805-546-2080
Fax: 805-888-2856
HCO #404700016
Self-Care Awareness: Focus on Your Well-Being as a Caregiver

Self-Care Awareness: Focus on Your Well-Being as a Caregiver

September is Self-Care Awareness Month. This national campaign aims to promote awareness and education about the importance of daily self-care, or prioritizing your own needs before others. However, this can be challenging for many in-home caregivers. These selfless individuals will often sacrifice their own well-being to care for others. Unfortunately, this can negatively impact their health and work performance.

In honor of National Self-Care Awareness Month, Visiting Angels of San Luis Obispo wants to provide some expert advice to encourage caregivers to implement more self-care into their daily lives. If you’re a local caregiver – family or professional – keep reading to find practical guidance and local resources for self-care. 

3 Self-Care Tips for In-Home Caregivers 

Here are three quick tips designed to be easily incorporated into your daily routine to help you maintain a healthy balance between caring for yourself and the needs of others. 

1. Take Care of Your Mind and Body 

Taking care of your mind and body is at the heart of a healthy self-care routine. Caregivers often neglect their physical and mental well-being. It’s important to nourish yourself from the inside out. Eat a well-balanced diet packed with lean proteins and plenty of fruits and veggies. You should also regularly exercise.

Feel like you’re too busy to hit the gym? There are tons of other ways to move your body. Park your car at the far end of the parking lot, or dance as you cook, take the stairs, etc. 

2. Prioritize a Good Night’s Rest 

Due to their hectic work schedules, many caregivers can lose sleep. Chronic sleep loss can lead to many health conditions, including depression, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Develop a daily pre-bedtime routine to unwind and relax your mind and body. Avoid using your smartphone and consuming caffeine a few hours before hitting the sack. Instead, curl up with your favorite book and a cup of chamomile tea. Studies have shown that chamomile promotes relaxation. 

3. Practice Gratitude and Mindfulness 

Your mental health is just as important as your physical well-being. Practicing mindfulness and gratitude helps you focus on the present moment and positivity in your daily life. Every morning, spend five minutes practicing mindful meditation. Focus on your breath and the physical sensations of your body. Awareness of the present moment has been shown to alleviate stress, increase a positive attitude, and improve concentration.

Keep a gratitude journal by your bed and write down three to five things you are thankful for every night. This helps to shift your thinking to a more positive mindset. 

Local Self-Care Resources in San Luis Obispo County, CA 

Here are a few local hotspots to practice self-care in San Luis Obispo County, CA:

For massages: 

For yoga classes: 

For a spa day: 

Join the Visiting Angels of San Luis Obispo Family 

Want to work for an employer who supports your well-being? Visiting Angels of San Luis Obispo County, CA, is hiring certified caregivers throughout the region. We offer competitive hourly pay, flexible schedules, and a better work-life balance.

Explore our open positions or contact us today at (805) 546-2080 for more information.

Serving San Luis Obispo County, California

Visiting Angels SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA
3211 Broad St #105
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: 805-546-2080
Fax: 805-888-2856
HCO #404700016