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Serving Brown, Bartholomew, Johnson, Monroe, Shelby & Rush Counties including Bloomington, Columbus & Nashville

1905 N Monroe St
Bloomington, IN 47404
Phone: 812-929-0428
Fax: 800-518-7866
Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

With summer comes fun and sun, but also safety concerns, especially for our beloved seniors.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, seniors can be more susceptible to injuries and illnesses because of the heat. As they age, our bodies are less efficient at regulating temperatures. Seniors do not sweat as much as younger people, and sweat is necessary for regulating heat within our body. So when the temperature rises,seniors can be more susceptible to heat stroke and other issues. It’s very possible for seniors to enjoy the summer and the sun, especially if they follow some safety tips and precautions.

Water is a Necessity

Seniors need to stay hydrated especially in the summer when temperatures rise. While there are many sources of hydration, water is the best. Experts recommend drinking eight or more glasses of water a day. Conversely, they suggest avoiding alcohol and caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, because they can dehydrate you.

Air Conditioning is your friend

If it’s hot and humid outside, stay inside, preferably in the air conditioning. Extreme heat and humidity make it harder for the body to maintain a normal temperature. If it's extremely hot outside, and you don't have air conditioning, many cities have cooling centers to help give seniors a reprieve. Many senior centers also open their doors on hot days so the elderly can cool off. If all else fails, head to a restaurant, mall or movie theater, all of which are usually air conditioned. Keep in mind the sun’s intensity is highest between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you want to enjoy the outdoors in the summer, head outside early in the morning or later in the afternoon.

Lather Up

When you are going to be in the sun, be sure to wear skin protection. The Skin Cancer Organization, recommends seniors wear at least SPF15 or a higher broad-spectrum sunscreen. If you plan to be outdoors for an extended period of time - hitting 18 holes on the golf course or boating all afternoon - the experts suggest wearing a waterproof SPF 30 or higher. You also should reapply that sunscreen every two hours, or immediately after swimming or sweating heavily.

Sunburns, and even a golden suntan, can damage your skin’s DNA, according to the experts. It can break down the skin’s tissues, aging skin before it’s time and causing genetic defects that can lead to skin cancer. The Skin Cancer Foundation says suffering just five burns over your lifetime can more than double your chances of developing melanoma. And every exposure after that, can raise the risk. The experts say that even one bad burn in older age can have a negative impact.

Don the Hat and Glasses

Channel your inner fashionista and find a fun wide-brimmed hat to help protect your skin in the sun. These days, there are many clothing brands that actually set shirts with sun protection built into them. At the very least, find a lightweight long sleeve shirt or long pants to help protect your skin when you are out in the sun. While you’re at it, make sure you grab a pair of sunglasses too, to protect your eyes.

Know the Warning Signs

While you might feel like you’re fine being out in the sun, know the signs of dehydration, heat stroke and more. If you feel light headed, disoriented, extremely tired, have a rapid pulse, are suffering from a bad headache, are nauseous, dizzy or confused, seek help immediately.

We Can Help

If you would like some help keeping your senior safe in the summer, our professionals at Visiting Angels of Bloomington can help. We can do everything from taking them out for a walk to reminding them to drink enough water and wear sunscreen during the day. Visiting Angels caregivers are trained to help with many tasks and ultimately can ensure your senior lives independently in their own home, while still maintaining a safe lifestyle.

Our expert team of caregivers serves clients in Brown, Bartholomew, Johnson, Monroe, Shelby and Rush Counties, including in Bloomington, Columbus and Nashville.

To learn more about the services we can help you and your seniors with, call our offices at (812) 940-4105, or complete this form online.

Serving Brown, Bartholomew, Johnson, Monroe, Shelby & Rush Counties including Bloomington, Columbus & Nashville

1905 N Monroe St
Bloomington, IN 47404
Phone: 812-929-0428
Fax: 800-518-7866