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In Home Care in Westerly

In Home Care in Westerly

Provider of in home care in Westerly hugging elderly patient

Age in Place With These Home Upgrades

At Visiting Angels® Warwick, we understand the importance of creating a safe and sustainable home life. Our in home care helps Westerly area seniors avoid the move to assisted living and continue aging in place. In addition to the direct support provided by our attentive caregivers, we would also like to suggest some great home improvements you can make to build a safer environment. 

Cutting down on fall hazards is crucial for your loved one's safety. To reduce these risks as much as possible, we start by targeting areas where accidents frequently occur. This means equipping the bathroom with grab bars, non-slip mats, and a hand-held shower head. If possible, you can increase safety even further by installing a walk-in shower unit.

Grab bars also make a lot of sense on any stairways in the residence. Additionally, you can make the environment less hazardous by adding more lighting and using LED bulbs. 

For kitchen comfort and convenience, rearrange essential items so they are in waist-high cabinets. This will allow them to access these frequently-used items without any physical strain. 

Our care, along with these upgrades, is the most effective way to create a safe home life. We will work with you to develop a specific care plan and discuss further home safety tips that will allow your relative to avoid the assisted living facility and enjoy a more comfortable life. 

About Our In Home Care in Westerly

Giving your loved one the gift of an extended home life is an amazing thing. However, it's too much work to handle by yourself. With our support, you can make sure they always have a helpful and caring presence in their home. You can still provide as much care as you desire, but with the invaluable luxury of taking a much-needed break whenever you need. We offer:

  • Customized service to meet their unique needs
  • Trusted companionship from a friendly face
  • Accident prevention, safety tips, and mobility assistance
  • Housework, errands, and more!

Compassionate In Home Care Near You

By screening our caregivers for professional qualifications and personality, we make sure to only choose highly capable people with the ideal demeanor for senior care. As a result, your loved one will get kind, compassionate help from a loving person who treats them with respect. 

We are proud to assist families in the following communities:

  • Westerly
  • West Warwick 
  • South Kingstown
  • Scituate
  • Coventry
  • And throughout the nearby areas

Our in home care provides safer, easier home lives for Westerly area seniors. To begin, contact Visiting Angels Warwick and set up a care consultation today. 

Serving Washington, Kent , Western Providence and Newport Counties

Visiting Angels WARWICK, RI
1865 Post Road #103
Warwick, RI 02886
Phone: 401-384-7900