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Serving Westchester County

Visiting Angels WHITE PLAINS, NY
4 W Red Oak Ln #112
White Plains, NY 10604
Phone: 914-696-4200
Fax: 914-696-4201
5 Benefits of a Positive Attitude

5 Benefits of a Positive Attitude

Being positive doesn’t come easy to everyone, and sometimes it can take a little extra effort. Life can be tough and it is sometimes easy to see things through a negative lens. Instead of allowing negative energy to consume your day-to-day life, challenge yourself to exude positive energy with everything you do. It is easier to practice positivity when you allow yourself to be open-minded. Try to see the world from different perspectives, and understand why some people perform certain actions or adopt specific personalities. This article will discuss the importance of having a positive attitude, and how it can improve your daily life.

Positivity = Alertness

When we are sad, we sometimes shut out the world. We wander aimlessly through life, not really caring what is happening around us. Positive thinking gives us more energy, and this energy makes us more aware of our surroundings. Positivity not only helps us become more self-aware, but also makes us more alert and aware of the feelings of others around us. 

Lower Rates of Depression

Depression can set in when you allow negative thoughts to flood your brain. Negative thoughts result in negative views of the world and people. Therefore, it is so important to try to view life in a positive light if possible. Not to say this is an easy task, it takes much thought and self-assertion. Here are a few ways to help you achieve a positive mindset. 

If you feel yourself about to enter into a negative judgment, try to think of one good thing that is happening in your life at that moment, and focus on that instead of the judgment. This is a simple way to curve judgemental and depressive thoughts. Furthermore, you should use positive self-talk from the moment you wake up. This will help you start your day on a positive note and keep your mind away from negative thoughts. 

Increased Productivity

According to, “Positive thinking stimulates your brain to make sure it's functioning at its best. It also increases your energy levels, making you more alert and better equipped to perform your duties.” This can help you in day-to-day life, and enable you to accomplish tasks more easily and quickly.

Positive attitudes can also influence those around you to help with certain tasks. For example, if you have a huge project due and your coworkers can assist, they would be more inclined to assist if they are attracted to your energy. However, if being in your presence brings their mood down, they will be less inclined to help you accomplish the task.

Improves Problem Solving

Problem-solving requires a person to be able to see multiple sides to an issue, and use many tactics to find a solution. According to a study done by The National Center for Biotechnology Information, individuals who viewed a positive video before performing a task performed better and were more open to solving problems than those who watched an angry or depressing video. This is an interesting study that highlights the positive effect that positive energy can have on completing tasks and tackling tough situations. 

Improves Ability to Work Well With Others

No one likes a Negative Nancy! As stated before, humans are drawn to those with a positive aura and clear intentions. You are more likely to get along with others if you exude positive vibes and are inviting. If you focus on the negatives in life, people are more likely to steer clear. As a result, try to be the most positive person in the room, and other people will follow your lead.

A positive attitude can change the way you see the world and the way others see you. Positive attitudes will make you more alert, less depressed, more productive, and better able to solve problems and work well with others. Our staff at Visiting Angels White Plains serves Westchester County seniors with a positive attitude, encouraging our clients to do the same. Positive thinking is important to us, as we strive to improve each day for our clients. To schedule a complimentary care assessment for your senior loved one, please contact us at 914-696-4200 or visit us online here.

Serving Westchester County

Visiting Angels WHITE PLAINS, NY
4 W Red Oak Ln #112
White Plains, NY 10604
Phone: 914-696-4200
Fax: 914-696-4201