Respite Care in Tallmadge
While family caregivers are irreplaceable, they can't always be there when needed. At Visiting Angels® Akron, we support family caregivers and their loved ones in Tallmadge by offering reliable and compassionate respite care when family is unavailable. With hourly availability and customizable services, we provide seniors with top-quality care that gives their family caregivers peace of mind until they return.
Why Choose Respite Care in Tallmadge
Being a family caregiver can be both rewarding and exhausting, especially when their loved one is coping with Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or a debilitating illness. Without taking time to rest and care for themselves, many people experience caregiver stress and, eventually, caregiver burnout.
If you are feeling anxious, short-tempered, or worried, or other signs of caregiver stress, respite care from Visiting Angels Akron can help. We provide top-quality home care that gives seniors in Tallmadge the care and companionship they need while their family caregivers rest and recharge.
Types of Respite Care Offered in Tallmadge
To accommodate the individual needs and circumstances of every senior and family caregiver in Tallmadge, we offer customized respite care services with flexible hourly scheduling.
Our services at Visiting Angels Akron for seniors include:
Temporary Care. Temporary care ensures your loved one has the care they need while you're unavailable for an extended period of time, such as a vacation, work travel, illness, or emergency.
Part-Time Care. Part-time care is scheduled regularly, typically a few hours every week. It gives family caregivers "free" time to run errands, attend their kids' school events, go shopping, or simply have an afternoon alone to rest.
Support Care. When providing care for a loved one becomes too physically or emotionally demanding, support care is the answer. Support care brings in a caregiver from our team to work alongside the family caregiver, lightening their load and providing help and emotional support.
Respite Care Consults for Tallmadge Area Families From Visiting Angels Akron
At Visiting Angels Akron, we're committed to providing seniors and their families with exceptional care that improves quality of life. Locally owned and operated, our respite care services are available in the communities of Tallmadge, Akron, Orrville, Hudson, Canal Fulton, Clinton, North Lawrence, and the surrounding areas.
To learn how our services can benefit you and your loved one, call Visiting Angels Akron today to schedule a free consultation. We'll visit to discuss needs and scheduling, answer questions, and design a customized care plan - all with no obligation to begin care.
Ready to get started? Contact Visiting Angels Akron today to schedule a free respite care consultation in Tallmadge.
Serving Akron, Orrville, Rittman, N. Lawrence, Marshallville, Dalton, Canal Fulton, Apple Creek and other Summit County Communities
Visiting Angels AKRON, OH
22 Northwest AveTallmadge, OH 44278
Phone: 330-733-1532
Fax: 330-475-1373