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Serving Metropolitan Atlanta, GA and it's Surrounding Areas

1100 Peachtree St NE #200
Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: 404-872-3733
Fax: 404-873-8320

Download Your Free Safe & Steady Fall Prevention Resource Guide today.

How Elderly Care Helps Seniors in Atlanta, GA Prevent Falls

Serving Metropolitan Atlanta, GA and it's Surrounding Areas

1100 Peachtree St NE #200
Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: 404-872-3733
Fax: 404-873-8320

Download Your Free Safe & Steady Fall Prevention Resource Guide today.

How Elderly Care Helps Seniors in Atlanta, GA Prevent Falls

Falling is one of the most dangerous and detrimental things an older adult can do so taking all the possible precautions to limit the chances of a fall occurring are an important part of elderly care. Falling and balance-related problems are the reason a majority of older adults lose their independence. Falling does not only cause physical trauma but they can have a negative emotional and social impact as well. Falling causes older adults to avoid leaving the house, decline social invitations, and miss important family functions. This behavior can lead to feelings of anxiety, loneliness, social isolation, sadness, and depression.

Falls Are Life-Changing

Every year, one in three older adults fall and one in five sustain a serious injury such as a broken hip, fracture, concussion, and other injuries

  • Those who fall once are more likely to fall again
  • Over 800,000 persons are hospitalized for falls each year
  • Recovery from injuries, including hip fractures, can take up to a year in a long-term care facility and many people who fall never go home again

Fall Prevention: Our Commitment 

Falls are usually caused by one or more risk factors. A risk factor is something that increases a person’s chances of falling. Risk factors may be linked to a physical condition, a medical problem, or the home environment and lack of available elderly care. Some risk factors for falls in seniors include:

  • Arthritis
  • Poor eyesight
  • Taking multiple medications
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of grab bars in the bathtub
  • Lack of non-slip mats in the bathtub and shower floors
  • Lack of handrails and lights on staircases

By identifying and addressing risk factors and providing a proper amount of elderly care, many falls can be prevented for your senior loved ones.

Elderly fall prevention continues to be an ongoing challenge, especially for those who do not use a cane or walker. Our commitment to investing in educating older adults, their families, caregivers, and service providers about ways to reduce falls is crucial for the ongoing quality of life of our clients

If you or a loved one you know are in living at home and are at high fall risk than do not hesitate to reach out to your local Visiting Angels Atlanta-Midtown to see how we can help.

Schedule your Free In-Home Assessment Today

Schedule your free elderly care assessment today by contacting Visiting Angels Atlanta-Midtown at 404-872-3733.

Serving Metropolitan Atlanta, GA and it's Surrounding Areas

1100 Peachtree St NE #200
Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: 404-872-3733
Fax: 404-873-8320

Download Your Free Safe & Steady Fall Prevention Resource Guide today.