How Transitional Care in Canton Reduces Hospital Readmissions

Ready-Set-Go Home with Transitional Care
Ready-Set-Go Home is a transitional care program from Visiting Angels® Canton that has been designed to provide seniors with the support that they need to make a successful recovery after being discharged from the hospital. This program is available for elderly adults living in Canton, Massillon, Uniontown, and communities in the surrounding areas. Our professional care providers take a three-pronged approach to transitional care to reduce the risk that our care recipients will be readmitted to the hospital. Since almost 20% of discharged seniors on Medicare are readmitted to the hospital within a month of being sent home, it’s important to do everything possible to avoid the preventable causes of readmissions.
Why Choose Transitional Care in Canton: Causes of Readmissions
For many elderly adults, the causes of hospital readmissions lie in their inability to follow through with doctors’ orders after being sent home. Day-to-day tasks can be a struggle for seniors, meaning it’s not uncommon for them to have trouble taking medications on time, eating a nutritious and varied diet, or even attending important follow-up appointments without outside help. That’s why transitional care services from a professional care provider like Visiting Angels Canton can be so valuable for seniors. We provide much-needed non-medical support, including assistance with basic tasks, regular monitoring, and compassionate companionship throughout the recovery process.
How Visiting Angels Canton Can Help
Our Ready-Set-Go Home program follows three important steps to reduce hospital readmissions among our care recipients:
- We begin care at the hospital. Our caregivers will visit your loved one while he or she is still in the hospital to help coordinate and guide your family through the discharge process.
- We continue care at home. We’ll help with the transition from hospital to home and then provide your loved one with ongoing in-home support as he or she recovers. Our services include skilled assistance to promote safety and comfort during this critical time.
- We offer supportive resources from our office. Our office staff works behind the scenes using tools that can help identify high-risk clients and arrange medication and appointment reminders as well as deliveries.
Could your loved one benefit from our transitional care services following an upcoming hospital discharge? Learn more about what we offer by contacting Visiting Angels Canton today to get started with a free care consultation in Canton, Massillon, Uniontown, or a neighboring community.
Serving Canton, Massillon and Other Communities in Stark County, Ohio
Visiting Angels CANTON, OH
4905 Hills and Dales Road NWCanton, OH 44708
Phone: 330-497-5995