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Serving Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas, and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in California

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831-430-0616
Fax: 831-430-0612
HCO #444700002

Helping Seniors in Santa Cruz, CA and Nearby Areas Manage Arthritis

Arthritis is one of the many chronic health issues that impact older adults in Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas and surrounding areas in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties. In fact, a recent study from the National Center of Health Statistics found that almost 54 percent of adults over the age of 75 are living with arthritis.

Older adults may find it more difficult to move about due to the pain and stiffness caused by arthritis, which may intensify with age. Taking a bath, cleaning, or even enjoying socializing may become a real struggle for someone with arthritis. However, there are ways to help your senior loved one manage the pain that comes with arthritis so they can maintain their independence while remaining comfortable in their golden years.

Arthritis: What It Is and How to Help Seniors in Santa Cruz, CA and Surrounding Areas Manage Arthritic Pain

There may not be a treatment for arthritis, but family caregivers may help their loved ones cope with the symptoms by learning more about the condition and finding ways to alleviate their suffering.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis makes joints swell, which can cause a lot of discomfort and inflammation. This inflammation may impact a single joint or a number of joints, leading to pain and limited motion. Although it often affects those over the age of 65, arthritis may also occur in younger age groups. It strikes women at a higher rate than males.

There isn't just one kind of arthritis; in fact, there are over a hundred distinct forms of arthritis and associated diseases. Nevertheless, millions of individuals, mostly elderly people, deal with the bothersome symptoms of arthritis, which include pain and joint stiffness.

Some of the most common types of arthritis that impact seniors include:

  • Osteoarthritis - The most prevalent kind of arthritis, osteoarthritis, develops gradually and mostly affects the elderly. As we become older, the cartilage that normally cushions our bones might wear out and cause us discomfort and stiffness.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis - The inflammatory and autoimmune illness known as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occurs when the immune system harms healthy cells in the body. RA may strike many joints simultaneously, most often the knees, hands and wrists. Additionally, RA damages and inflames the joint lining as well as the joint tissue itself. Deformities, long-lasting pain and loss of balance can all be caused by RA.

  • Psoriatic arthritis - Psoriatic arthritis is a skin condition that impacts individuals with psoriasis, which is characterized by red areas and silvery scales. The most common side effects, whether they manifest before or after the skin patches do, are inflammation, stiffness, and discomfort in the joints. Any area of the body, including the fingers, is susceptible to these symptoms, which may vary in intensity from moderate to severe.

Tips for Managing Arthritis Pain

Elderly individuals residing in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties need support, patience, and empathy while coping with the discomfort of arthritis. Morning stiffness may ruin everyone's plans for the day since it might last for an hour or more after waking up. One way to lessen the impact of arthritis on an elderly loved one's quality of life is to be mindful of their schedule and follow the advice below.

  • Scheduling around the pain - An arthritic loved one's pain patterns should be carefully observed. Everyone who lives in arthritis experiences pain at different times of the day. Your senior loved one may have greater discomfort in the morning or night, or even both. You may use these patterns to plan your loved one's bathing, social visits, exercise, and appointment times so they are most mobile.

  • Exercise & stretching - Arthritis sufferers may benefit greatly from regular physical exercise, according to the available research. Even simple hand gestures help lessen arthritic symptoms and worry and tension. Also, a simple and efficient method to maintain healthy joints is to do light stretches that bring the joints through their complete range of motion. Get the most out of your workout and stay safe by consulting a medical expert like a doctor or physical therapist for guidance.

  • Reducing inflammatory foods - A healthy diet may help your elderly loved one alleviate joint discomfort and inflammation. Some of the most common foods that can trigger inflammation include aspartame, alcohol, sugar, glute, MSG, saturated and trans fats, refined carbohydrates and Omega 6 fatty acids. For those suffering from arthritis, the anti-inflammatory and disease-fighting properties of the Mediterranean diet—which places an emphasis on healthy foods such fruits, vegetables, seafood, nuts and beans—may be of assistance.

  • Using heat and cold therapy - Heat therapy is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to alleviate the pain associated with arthritis. Applying heat to sore muscles and joints might alleviate their pain and stiffness. Blood arteries enlarge in response to heat, increasing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the treated region. As a pain reliever for arthritis, try a hot compress, an electric heating pad or a shower that's between 92 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. That being said, older adults should be careful when they use heat therapy. Some elderly people have trouble feeling the temperature of their skin due to poor circulation, which may lead to burns. Both the finest and safest option is a warm temperature. Alternately, cold therapy might alleviate arthritic pain in elderly loved ones if you are worried about the potential dangers of heat therapy. Inflammation may be alleviated by reducing blood flow via the use of cold. Always keep the cold pack away from skin while applying it. Some elderly people can find relief by soaking their tight hands in a cold bath for three to four minutes or by using over-the-counter ointments.

  • Taking anti-inflammatory medications - Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve) are examples of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) that may alleviate inflammation and the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. On the other hand, there are hazards associated with NSAIDs, such as gastrointestinal issues, allergies, renal difficulties and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Not only that, but NSAIDs have the potential to interact negatively with other drugs that your elderly loved one is taking, such as those for depression, blood pressure and other conditions. To prevent interactions and undesirable side effects, consult your elderly loved one's doctor before beginning any new prescription, supplement or NSAID.

  • Hiring a professional in-home caregiver from Visiting Angels Central Coast - If your elderly loved one lives in Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas or the nearby cities in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties and needs professional home care to alleviate arthritis pain, Visiting Angels Central Coast can help. We provide compassionate and custom-tailored assistance. Your loved one will get the devoted support they deserve from our caregivers, who provide both practical assistance and emotional support. Our caregivers may assist in many ways, including reminding your loved one to exercise throughout the day, making sure they eat healthy meals, assisting them with bathing and getting about the home, keeping an eye out for side effects after taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and much more. The knowledge that your loved one is being cared for by competent and kind individuals will provide you with complete peace of mind.

Call 831-430-0616 or fill out our form to schedule a free in-home consultation with Visiting Angels Central Coast today!

Serving Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas, and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in California

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831-430-0616
Fax: 831-430-0612
HCO #444700002