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Serving Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas, and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in California

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831-430-0616
Fax: 831-430-0612
HCO #444700002

Understanding Palliative Care from Visiting Angels Central Coast

Here’s what you should know about palliative care and how it can restore hope for seniors in Santa Cruz, Marina, Scotts Valley and surrounding areas in CA

At Visiting Angels Central Coast, our palliative care services focus on helping seniors deal with pain and suffering caused by age-related issues, chronic illnesses, recent injuries and other circumstances. We provide our services in the comfort of your loved one's home, enabling them to receive the care they need in familiar surroundings.

Many people have no idea what "palliative care" is or who it benefits. People who are familiar with the term often confuse it with hospice care. Continue reading to learn about palliative care and how Visiting Angels Central Coast provides much-needed comfort and hope to local seniors who wish to age in place.

What is Palliative Care?

Palliative care strives to provide comprehensive support to seniors who are suffering symptoms of a severe illness or the repercussions of an accident. The goal is to restore hope and comfort to those who have had their quality of life negatively impacted due to their circumstances.

Who Benefits from Palliative Care?

Palliative care is best suited for seniors who have a chronic disease, long-term problems from an accident or significant age-related issues. While we often consider the physical and cognitive effects of these conditions on our senior loved ones, the fact is that they may also have an impact on their emotional and mental well-being. Visiting Angels Central Coast offers in-home palliative care to seniors in order to help them maintain their independence while coping with these challenges.

How Does Palliative Care Differ from Hospice Care?

While both palliative and hospice care strive to give comfort, hospice care is often reserved for patients who have a short life expectancy. Palliative care, on the other hand, may be given to seniors regardless of their life expectancy.

How Does Visiting Angels Central Coast Provide Palliative Care?

Our palliative care services include the following:

  • Physical assistance with everyday tasks. Our caregivers can help your loved one with daily duties that have become too challenging due to symptoms of a chronic condition or age-related concerns, such as cooking, grocery shopping and light housekeeping. We also provide dignified assistance with bathing, toileting and taking care of basic personal hygiene.
  • Conversation and socializing. Having a chronic ailment may be isolating and frustrating. Our caregivers will listen, show sympathy and keep your loved one engaged in their surroundings.
  • Optimism and hope. By maintaining and promoting a positive outlook on life, healing, and community, we can tend to our clients’ emotional needs and improve their quality of life.

Why Should I Choose Visiting Angels Central Coast?

Unlike other local agencies in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, Visiting Angels Central Coast approaches home care by focusing on the clients’ needs. This means your loved one will get the support they need to be comfortable and happy while they age in place. Our team will develop a care plan that is completely focused on the level of care your loved one needs, as well as their schedule. When necessary, changes to their care plan may be made by calling our office and engaging with our care coordinators.

Furthermore, our caregivers are trustworthy and knowledgeable. Because of our extensive screening and interviewing process, we are able to employ people who can give the outstanding care that our customers need and who are completely devoted to helping seniors in our community. We also encourage clients to choose the caregiver with whom they wish to work so that our Angels may form meaningful bonds with those they care for.

Palliative care from Visiting Angels Central Coast will provide your loved one the help they need to make aging in place a positive experience.

Call Visiting Angels Central Coast at 831-430-0616 to schedule a free consultation today!

Serving Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas, and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in California

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831-430-0616
Fax: 831-430-0612
HCO #444700002