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Serving the Communities on the West Side of Cincinnati, Oh

9019 Colerain Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45251
Phone: 513-598-6770
Great Ways To Stay Active Year-Round

Great Ways To Stay Active Year-Round

No matter your age, staying active is an important part of living a healthy life. There are numerous benefits to both physical and mental well-being that an active lifestyle provides, and getting yourself moving can be easier than you might think. Below are some ways you can get into a routine of moving your body to stay fit no matter what time of year it is. And remember, before starting any exercise program or regular activity, always consult with a trusted medical professional first.

Go for a Walk

One of the easiest ways to get your heart rate up and body moving is a brisk walk. In spring and summer, good weather often allows you to head right outside and get your steps in near home, but there are also times when that isn’t possible. There are seasons when it’s either too hot or cold to safely head outdoors, and inclement weather can occur at any time. In those instances, getting on the treadmill to keep yourself moving is a great way to keep up the habit of a daily stroll. According to the Mayo Clinic, regular walkers may start to see a number of benefits, including boosted energy levels, improved stamina and lower blood pressure. It’s also a fun group activity and an opportunity to socialize with others.

Get Your Dancing Shoes On

There are times when exercise can feel like something we have to do rather than something we want to. Hitting the dance floor is a fun, exciting way to get yourself moving, and you’ll be exercising without even realizing it. Moving to the rhythm of a song offers aerobic benefits that can help strengthen your cardiovascular health, and it also provides muscle-strengthening improvements by challenging muscle groups you may not regularly engage in strenuous activity. Dancing will literally keep you on your toes, but it can figuratively do that as well. Learning dance routines and memorizing steps offers cognitive benefits that will stay with you even after the music stops.

Have a Seat

There’s a misconception that in order to be active, you have to be upright and moving around, but that’s not necessarily true. There are plenty of exercises you can do while seated that can help you increase strength and stamina. Start with two dumbbells that are a comfortable weight and aren’t too difficult to lift. You can also opt for resistance bands if you’d prefer. From there, find a workout program that you can comfortably do while seated like these ones. You might be surprised just how much of a workout you get without getting on your feet.

Start a New Hobby

Staying active doesn’t have to be just about exercise. Plenty of hobbies keep you moving and build key muscle groups by their very nature. Cooking and baking, for instance, can be labor-intensive processes that have you hopping around the kitchen as you prep ingredients. Stirring, kneading, chopping and measuring all require energy and movement. The best part is that you won’t be thinking of what you’re doing as exercise; you’ll be more focused on the end product. Other hobbies can have similar benefits, too. Woodworking, sewing, gardening, painting and others can all help to keep your mind and body in peak condition.


Building a habit of staying active is easier than you might think. Start with something small for a few minutes a day, and before you know it, you’ll find yourself up and moving without even realizing it. If you’re looking for some ideas or for someone to help you maintain an active lifestyle, the caregivers at Visiting Angels West Cincinnati are a great resource, and they’re ready to assist you in getting started! Get in touch by calling 513-437-1751.

Serving the Communities on the West Side of Cincinnati, Oh

9019 Colerain Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45251
Phone: 513-598-6770