Signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder in Seniors
As the coldest months of the year arrive in Northern Illinois, it’s common for seniors to experience moments of sadness and depression. However, for some individuals, these feelings go deeper and can begin interfering with their everyday life.
What to Watch Out For
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is more intense (and potentially dangerous) than the “winter blues” and can cause a variety of debilitating symptoms. Here are several warning signs to watch for in your senior loved one, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
Pay attention to their energy levels. It’s normal for seniors to slow down over time, but if your loved one is constantly drained, a bigger issue could be taking place.
Significant Mood Shifts
Noticeable mood shifts are another big indicator of SAD. For instance, if your loved one is normally even-keeled and suddenly acts unusually irritable, they may be developing the disorder.
Disruptive Sleep Patterns
SAD can greatly impact sleep patterns and prevent the senior from getting adequate shut-eye. Does your loved one complain about insomnia or frequent sleepless nights? Have they started napping more often than usual?
Appetite Changes
Eating a lot of carbs and sweets is fairly typical during the winter; however, SAD can intensify these cravings. Conversely, some seniors with the condition lose their appetite entirely. Don’t ignore your loved one’s sudden weight changes.
Issues with Concentration
Many seniors experience bouts of forgetfulness, but consistent memory loss, difficulty concentrating, or other cognitive issues could be a warning side of SAD.
Social Withdrawal
Oftentimes, seniors with SAD self-isolate and lose interest in connecting with others. If you haven’t heard from your family member as often as normal, do a check-in and gauge how they’re feeling.
How You Can Help
- Encourage the senior to spend time outside, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
- If it’s too cold to go outdoors, have them open curtains to let in natural light.
- Suggest uplifting activities for them to participate in, like puzzles, video chats with friends and family, and visits to the Grand Oaks Active Adults Center.
- Offer ongoing support. Let your loved one know they’re not alone, even if they feel that way at times.
When to Contact a Professional
If you notice these symptoms are persisting in your relative for weeks at a time, don’t brush them off. Reach out to their healthcare professional for guidance.
Home Care with Visiting Angels Can Help Seniors Manage SAD
It’s difficult to see your senior parent or loved one in distress. At Visiting Angels Crystal Lake, we offer compassionate in-home care services that can help seniors who are struggling with symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Our experienced caregivers will happily provide support with essential tasks and offer meaningful companionship that brightens up the winter season.
To learn more or to set up a free consultation, get in touch with us today via our online form or by calling 815-479-0312.