Live-In Care - 24-hour Care - Asleep Overnight Care
Caring for an elderly loved one can be difficult when you live far away, work or find yourself in the sandwich generation, pulled between kids at home and aging parents. And as your aging parents’ needs and demands increase, you can’t always be on call 24/7 to help them. There are solutions to help them safely age in place and keep them comfortably in the home.
Live-in or 24-hour care can also serve as a temporary solution to seniors just recovering from surgery or returning from rehab. It also can allow you or other family members to take a much-need break or go on vacation with the peace of mind that your aging loved one is safe and secure in the comfort of their own home.
Asleep Overnight caregivers are in the home for 8 – 12 hours and are provided 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Asleep Overnight Care provides reassurance to the family and their loved one that an ‘Angel’ is present to provide assistance, support and oversight throughout the night.
Asleep Overnight Care is solution for individuals who:
- Sleep through the night with minimal assistance
- Do not require constant attention to prohibit wandering or other potentially dangerous activities.
Live-in caregivers stay in the home day and night to perform duties outlined on the care plan. Live-in caregivers are provided a 6 to 8-hour break, a sleeping bed to rest and a minimum of 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
With just two scheduled caregivers, you and your loved one may form a stronger bond. In addition, the caregivers become more familiar with your senior to understand favorite routines and how to address special needs and moods. Familiarity is especially beneficial to the elderly diagnosed with dementia.
Live-in care is less expensive than 24-hour care.
Live-in Care is a solution for individuals who:
- Sleep through the night with minimal assistance
- Do not require constant attention to prohibit wandering or other potentially dangerous activities
- Require companionship and personal care assistance throughout the day.
Our caregiver team rotate shifts to ensure someone is always awake and available day and night to help the client when needed at any time.
A trained and alert caregiver is always awake to care and supervise your loved one. Rotations ensure caregivers are refreshed and ready to address different situations. Seniors who wander at night can benefit from someone who is alert to their movements.
24-Hour Care is a solution for individuals who:
- Wander or pose a threat to themselves due to physical or mental limitations
- Are frequently awake during the night or show symptoms of “sundowner’s syndrome” – when an individual becomes more active or agitated as evening falls
- Require a higher level of care throughout the day.
If you would like more information about our overnight, live-in, 24-hour care options, just give our office a call at 651-653-0110.
Serving the Twin Cities Metro Area and surrounding communities
Visiting Angels EAST METRO ST PAUL, MN
2721 Upper Afton Rd EMaplewood, MN 55119
Phone: 651-653-0110
Fax: 651-653-0115