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Serving Iron, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, and Cape Girardeau Counties and Surrounding Areas

1276 W Liberty St
Farmington, MO 63640
Phone: 573-664-1722
A Guide to Boosting a Senior’s Self-Esteem

A Guide to Boosting a Senior’s Self-Esteem

Although seniors have years of wisdom and experiences under their belt, they sometimes struggle with moments of insecurity and low self worth. This often occurs in older adults with medical conditions or having a difficult time adjusting to retirement.

Nurturing Self-Worth in Older Adults

Self-esteem plays such an important role in overall mental and physical health. If you believe your senior loved one could use a confidence boost, follow the guide below for strategies that can help.

Encourage Their Independence

Your aging loved one is used to doing things on their own, making it challenging for them to accept help. Support their autonomy by letting them complete tasks they’re capable of, even if it takes them extra time. Allow them to have a say when it comes to meals, routines, and activities as often as possible.

Acknowledge Their Contributions

Seniors sometimes have the perception that they’re a burden to the ones they love. Be sure to show them how much you appreciate their contributions to the family. This can include seeking out their advice, involving them in family decisions, or asking them to share a skill, such as cooking a special recipe.

Foster Social Connections

Loneliness can have a big impact on how a senior feels about themselves. When a senior has a steady group of social connections, they feel valued by others. Encourage your loved one to attend community events, such as classes at the Farmington Oaks Senior Center. You can also help them connect with friends on social media or drive them to social gatherings.

Keep Them Active

Being sedentary only worsens feelings of depression and worthlessness for seniors. Encourage your loved one to fit physical activity into their daily routine, like a walk around their neighborhood or swimming laps at the Farmington Civic Center. Fitness doesn’t have to be complicated; they just need to get their body moving and heart pumping to feel the positive effects.

Promote a Strong Self-Image

Your loved one needs to be reminded of the things they still have control over. They may not be able to move around as quickly as they used to, but they can still take pride in certain aspects of their life, such as their appearance and home. Help them shop for flattering clothes, keep their space tidy, and encourage engaging in hobbies. You can also encourage positive self-talk through daily affirmations. Focusing on a senior’s strengths rather than dwelling on limitations can greatly enhance their self-esteem.

Related Reading: Participating in a new hobby can be incredibly rewarding for seniors. In a past blog post, we shared a list of activities to try.

Visiting Angels Can Help

At Visiting Angels Farmington/Cape Girardeau, we understand the importance of nurturing self-esteem in older adults. If your loved one could use dignified assistance with daily tasks, our home care services can help them maintain independence. Contact our agency today to find out how we can help your loved one regain their confidence while aging safely in place.

Serving Iron, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, and Cape Girardeau Counties and Surrounding Areas

1276 W Liberty St
Farmington, MO 63640
Phone: 573-664-1722