Affordable Home Care in Greenville
At Visiting Angels® Greenville, we’re committed to providing affordable home care to local families. We know how important home care services can be, and we know they can put pressure on your family’s budget.
To address these concerns, we work closely with families to manage the costs of in-home care. By adjusting your loved one’s care plan or care schedule, we can reduce the cost of our services while maintaining high-quality care.
In-Home Care vs. Assisted Living — Which is the More Affordable Home Care in Greenville
When assessing the costs of in-home care, many families will also consider alternatives. In many cases, families will choose between in-home care and assisted living facilities, weighing the pros, cons, and costs associated with both options.
With assisted living, families can expect to spend anywhere from $1,000 to $6,000 per month, depending on the facility or community in question. High-end assisted living centers can cost even more than these amounts. At some facilities, fees can exceed five figures per month.
In-home care, meanwhile, has a much broader range of possible costs. Some seniors only receive care for a few hours each week, which keeps care costs to a minimum. Other families will opt for multiple visits a week, which can increase costs.
Usually in these situations, the cost of in-home care will still be substantially less than assisted living. However, in certain situations, the cost of in-home care can exceed assisted living. This may occur when a person requires 24/7 care or a live-in caregiver. In these cases, families have typically decided the costs are worth the ability to age in place.
Finding Affordable Home Care With Visiting Angels Greenville
If you’ve decided on home care services for your loved one, there are a number of ways you can make care more affordable.
At Visiting Angels Greenville, we develop a custom care plan for every client. This way, we can design affordable home care plans for local families, helping them find the care they need at a manageable price.
Some strategies we use for affordable home care for the Greenville area include
- Scheduling care on certain days or at certain times
- Adjusting the duration and frequency of care visits
- Combining services in ways that optimize cost-efficiency
To learn more about how we make home care affordable, we invite you to schedule a free initial consultation. Our service area includes Greenville and the surrounding areas, and we offer consultations to clients in New Bern, and Morehead City.
Contact Visiting Angels Greenville today to learn more about affordable home care.
Serving Greenville, New Bern, Morehead City, Oriental, NC and the Surrounding Communities
Visiting Angels GREENVILLE, NC
1290 E Arlington Blvd #112Greenville, NC 27858
Phone: 252-227-9080
Fax: x