Do You Have Questions About Alzheimer's? Visiting Angels Has Answers!
Visiting Angels of the Greater Susquehanna Valley answers the most common senior care Alzheimer’s homecare questions in the area.
When one of our loved ones is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, we are often left with many questions. What is Alzheimer's disease, what are the symptoms, and what kind of care are accessible at home? Our firm has put together a few answers to the many questions you may have to assist you in answering many of them.
Alzheimer’s senior care questions
What is Alzheimer's Disease, and How Does It Affect You?
Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative disease that gradually deteriorates mental and physical capacities. Approximately 5.5 million people in the United States are currently affected by this severe condition. It is a fatal disease with a life expectancy of 4-8 years after diagnosis. It is the country's sixth-highest cause of death.
What Is the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease?
Alzheimer's disease is one of several types of dementia that accounts for up to 80% of all dementia cases. However, whereas dementia can exist without Alzheimer's, Alzheimer's cannot live without dementia.
What Are the Alzheimer's Disease Risk Factors?
Alzheimer's disease has various risk factors; however, the following are the most common:
- The majority of people diagnosed are over the age of 65.
- A family history of Alzheimer's disease raises the risk.
- Diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, cardiac arrest, and stroke can all increase your risk of heart disease.
- Air pollution, heavy drinking, heavy smoking, high-stress levels, a history of brain trauma, and sleeping issues are among the others.
What Are Alzheimer's Disease Symptoms?
While Alzheimer's disease has various symptoms, the following are the most common:
- Loses stuff and is more easily lost.
- Names become a source of stress.
- Simple problems are challenging to solve.
- Having difficulty completing daily duties
- Irritability, illogical behavior, and depression are all examples of behavioral alterations.
- Memory loss, both short-term and long-term
- When speaking, problems with mispronouncing words or forgetting them
- Confusion, particularly around dates and timings
What Is the Progression of Alzheimer's Disease?
In most cases, the progression is so slow that it goes unnoticed in its early stages, yet the progression is as follows:
- Mild - at this point, it is barely apparent and has little impact on a person's life.
- Moderate - memory loss, confusion, and difficulty remembering what words to use.
- Severe - loss of short and long-term memory, capacity to communicate or understand what others are saying, and ability to care for oneself, which frequently necessitates the use of a home care agency.
Has a Cure for Alzheimer's Disease Been Found?
Despite extensive investigation, no cure for this illness has yet to be discovered. Doctors are still working to understand the condition better to find a cure.
What Kinds of Senior Care Options Do You Have?
Your loved one can often be cared for by their family when they are in the mild or moderate stages of Alzheimer's disease. Once they have progressed to the severe level, they may require the services of a senior care provider such as Visiting Angels of the Greater Susquehanna Valley, which will allow them to remain at home rather than being placed in a nursing home.
Visiting Angels of the Greater Susquehanna Valley is a senior care organization that helps people in need.
Contact our homecare organization today to learn more about caring for your loved ones after they've been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease!
Serving Williamsport, Lewisburg, Danville, Lock Haven, Sunbury and the Surrounding Areas
Visiting Angels LEWISBURG, PA
16871 Route 15 #2Allenwood, PA 17810
Phone: 570-768-4747