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Serving Riverside, Corona, CA and Surrounding Communities

3610 Central Ave #108
Riverside, CA 92506
Phone: 951-727-4357
Fax: 951-727-4301
HCO #334700037

How Caregivers Support Seniors In Hospice

Hospice care is a multidisciplinary approach that focuses on providing comprehensive support to patients and their families ensuring that patients receive the support they need to live their final days with dignity and comfort. Hospice care is a compassionate and holistic approach to end-of-life care that addresses not only the physical comfort of the patient but also their emotional and spiritual needs.

How Caregivers Support Seniors in Hospice

The hospice care team, which can include doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains, and caregivers, works together to improve the patient's quality of life, maintain their dignity, and make them as comfortable as possible. This care can be provided in the patient's home, a hospital, a nursing home, or a dedicated hospice care facility.

The caregivers at Visiting Angels Riverside County provide invaluable support to seniors in hospice by delivering compassionate and comprehensive non-medical care tailored to their unique needs. Our skilled and dedicated team offers assistance with daily activities, ensuring that seniors maintain their dignity and comfort in their final days. Caregivers provide essential physical care, such as bathing, dressing, and mobility assistance, while also offering emotional and spiritual support to both patients and their families. We can help coordinate with hospice medical professionals, and ensure that the patient's environment is as peaceful and comforting as possible.

“My grandmother … loved the caregivers and the service.”

"My grandmother had visiting angels for a few months and loved the caregivers and the service. We highly recommend them."

—Kecia Harper, Google Review

FAQs About Care for Seniors in Hospice

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care is a type of health care that focuses on providing relief to a terminally ill patient in the form of pain relief and comfort. It is sometimes referred to as “last days care.” Hospice care can also include emotional and spiritual support for the patient and for their family members.

When does Hospice Care begin?

When someone with a serious illness is approaching end of life and no longer undergoing treatments, hospice care can begin. Hospice is provided when a doctor has issued a terminal illness diagnosis and a life expectancy of less than six months.

What is the difference between Palliative Care and Hospice Care?

The main difference between palliative care and hospice is that, in hospice, attempts to cure the patient’s illness are stopped. It is important to note that while hospice services are for those with a limited life expectancy, palliative care services are designed for anyone who has been diagnosed with a chronic illness, at any stage of their life.  

Is it mandatory that someone is put on Hospice Care?

No, hospice care is elective. At any time, if the individual decides to pursue treatment for their disease, or if their condition improves, they could be taken off hospice care until later in the disease process. It’s important to note, per the UPMC Palliative and Supportive Institute, that not all treatments must be discontinued to be eligible for hospice care.

Do Caregivers Help with Hospice Care?

Yes. The hospice model of care actually depends on family caregivers, friends, or hired caregivers beyond the medical team. Whether you consider it a duty, a calling, or even a privilege to care for a loved one who is receiving hospice care, it is important that you realize that caregiving can be both rewarding and difficult and that it is essential to take care of yourself, take breaks, and ask for help when you need it.

The compassionate caregivers at Visiting Angels can help with hospice care by providing non-medical care at home, in a nursing home, or at the hospital. We also offer respite care on an as-needed basis to give family caregivers the breaks they need.

Hospice Care Riverside County

By addressing the holistic needs of seniors in hospice, the caregivers at Visiting Angels Riverside County help enhance the quality of life for patients and provide much-needed relief and reassurance to their loved ones during this challenging time.

Give us a call at (951) 727-4357 or Contact Us online to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation so we can answer all of your questions and concerns.

Serving Riverside, Corona, CA and Surrounding Communities

3610 Central Ave #108
Riverside, CA 92506
Phone: 951-727-4357
Fax: 951-727-4301
HCO #334700037