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Serving Riverside, Corona, CA and Surrounding Communities

3610 Central Ave #108
Riverside, CA 92506
Phone: 951-727-4357
Fax: 951-727-4301
HCO #334700037

How To Encourage Your Senior Loved One to Drink More Water

Is your senior loved one struggling with frequent dehydration? Do they find it hard to get enough water in their day? It can be easy to forget to drink water throughout the day, but you can implement some helpful measures to help your loved one stay properly hydrated.

Today, let’s go over some fun and easy ways to help your loved one drink more water each day!

Why Is Hydration So Important?

Water is one of the core components of a healthy body. Without sufficient hydration, people can start to suffer from conditions like exhaustion, joint issues, dizziness, mental impairment, or even heart problems.

If left unaddressed, dehydration can reach a point where medical intervention becomes absolutely necessary for recovery.

Hydration Is Often Harder for Seniors

There are several reasons why seniors run a greater risk of dehydration than other people. As people age, their bodies become less effective at communicating when they are thirsty, making it far easier to go for long periods of time without noticing they need to drink more water.

Other factors, like memory problems, decreased kidney function, and dehydrating medications are all common reasons that seniors suffer from dehydration more frequently than younger adults. 

How To Remind Your Loved One to Drink More Water

You can provide your loved one with simple reminders to drink more water during the day. The most straightforward choice is to set alarms on their phone or to verbally remind them of when it’s time to drink water.

Beyond these ideas, you can also provide them with a water bottle that provides them with a measurement of how much water they still need to drink for the day, offer them hydrating beverages with each meal and snack, or keep water bottles in every room of their house. 

Making Water More Appealing

Some seniors just don’t care for the taste of water. To make water more palatable, you can install a water filter or use a water filtration pitcher. If they’re seeking a more interesting flavor, you can add sugar-free water flavorings to make their daily glasses of water more tasty!

Adding Other Sources of Hydration

Drinking water isn’t the only way for your loved one to stay hydrated. You can also give them healthy hydrating beverages like caffeine-free teas, coconut water without added sugar, milk, and sugar-free electrolyte beverages.

Foods can also be a great source of hydration! Adding water-rich foods like watermelon, celery, and low-sodium soups to your loved one’s diet can be a fantastic supplement to hydrating drinks. 

How Our Angels Can Assist

At Visiting Angels of Riverside County, we provide your senior loved one with a professional in-home caregiver who can help them stay hydrated. We can give your loved one hydration reminders, fill water bottles, prepare hydrating snacks, and more!

If your loved one needs additional assistance, we are also ready to provide them with help for tasks like bathing, grooming, getting around town, and tidying the house. 

Contact Our Team Today To Learn More About How We Can Help!

Drinking enough water doesn’t have to be a challenge for your senior loved one. Staying hydrated is easy with the help of a Visiting Angels in-home caregiver!

If you would like to schedule a free in-home care consultation with our team, simply call us at 951-727-4357 today or fill out our online contact form! We look forward to meeting with you and discussing how our team at Visiting Angels of Riverside County can help your loved one find safety, comfort, and joy in their home!

Serving Riverside, Corona, CA and Surrounding Communities

3610 Central Ave #108
Riverside, CA 92506
Phone: 951-727-4357
Fax: 951-727-4301
HCO #334700037