Check out some testimonials from our current and past Angels!
"I am a people person and Visiting Angels gives me the opportunity to help people on a one on one basis. Giving them the best care possible" - Eileen C.
"In 2018 I became an Angel for Visiting Angels and I truly feel blessed working here I love the one-on-one interaction and knowing when shift is done I have 100% care". -Rebecca R.
"In February 2021 I began my employment again with Visiting Angels and it was one of the best decisions I have made." -Christina V.
Interested in becoming a full or part-time caregiver? Give us a call at (330) 497-5995 to see how you can be fast-tracked to $15hr.
Serving Canton, Massillon and Other Communities in Stark County, Ohio
Visiting Angels CANTON, OH
4905 Hills and Dales Road NWCanton, OH 44708
Phone: 330-497-5995