In the News
Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren Thanks Visiting Angels of Gilroy
Something to Aim At Podcast with Dorie Sugay
Dorie is a true champion for improving the perception of older people and helping older people continue to live their best life. She speaks with Pete about her motivation for establishing Visiting Angels in Gilroy and how she pulled off a second act that took her from High Tech recruiter to becoming a champion for aging with an attitude.
Veteran motorcycle groups helps raise money to help other veterans
Morgan Hill Life, Jan. 10-23, 2024
We don’t all need caregivers, but we all need care, even if it’s from a pet
Morgan Hill Life, Dec. 27, 2023-Jan. 9, 2024
‘Grandpa’ gave inspiring lessons on how to grow old with grace
Morgan Hill Life, Jan. 25-Feb. 7, 2023
Stroke survivors group is making a difference in the life of members
Morgan Hill Life, Oct. 4-17, 2023
Bunions don’t have to stop you from physical activity; there is help
Morgan Hill Life, April 5-18, 2023
Physical therapy does work for seniors; just be consistent with your plan
Morgan Hill Life, March 8-21, 2023
Should you LTC or Not??
Gilroy Today, Spring 2013
Should you help them stay on the road??
Gilroy Today, Winter/Holiday 2012
Identity Theft...a Real Threat
Gilroy Today, Fall 2012
Andropause - is it real?
Gilroy Today, Summer 2012
Step On It!
Gilroy Today, Spring 2012
Navigating the "Golden Years"
Gilroy Today, Winter 2011
Forgetfulness - Natural Aging or Early Onset of Dementia?
Gilroy Today, Spring 2011
Holidays...a time to check on mom and dad
Gilroy Today, Winter 2010
Serving Morgan Hill, San Martin, Gilroy, San Juan Bautista and Hollister
Visiting Angels GILROY, CA
8650 San Ysidro Avenue #120Gilroy, CA 95020
Phone: 408-846-2988
Fax: 408-846-0010
HCO #434700058