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Serving Southern Middlesex to Northern Monmouth Counties from Woodbridge to Middletown

Visiting Angels MATAWAN, NJ
5 Ravine Dr
Matawan, NJ 07747
Phone: 732-671-2899
Fax: 732-671-3394
Unhealthy habits to break in the new year for seniors and loved ones.

Unhealthy habits to break in the new year for seniors and loved ones.

5 Unhealthy habits to break this New Year's.

Each new year brings the opportunity to better ourselves with our choice of New Year’s resolution. There’s a special charge in motivation at this time of year as we’re all striving to do something better for ourselves together. There are plenty of lifestyle changes that make attractive options each year, like hitting the gym, but it’s more important for seniors to eliminate the things that are causing harm.


We have known about the disease-causing effects of cigarettes for a long time, yet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 31.4 million Americans are still smokers. Unfortunately, that has led to about 16 million Americans living with a smoking-related disease. If you are a smoker, the best thing you can do to prolong your life and promote good health is to quit smoking. 

Unhealthy diet

Exercise may be a component in good health, but it doesn’t achieve nearly the same effect when your body is not receiving the proper vitamins and nutrients that it needs. Eating a well-balanced diet will help you feel energized, strengthen your muscles and bones, and prevent disease. Focusing on eating nutrient-rich whole foods and getting enough fiber are great places to start.

If this sounds like a daunting task, and you don’t know where to begin, a home health caregiver can help keep your diet on track with healthy meal preparation and managing your medications and vitamin supplements. Having someone to keep you on track is a sure-fire way to reach your goals.

Overdoing the alcohol

It’s easy to do. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol use has steadily increased in Americans age 60 and above over the past two decades, particularly among women. Aging can lower the body’s tolerance for alcohol and cause increased sensitivity to the effects. This can cause complications with prescribed medications and put seniors at increased risk of injury by fall. Those with cardiovascular issues, diabetes, memory problems, mood disorders and liver disorders are all at risk of worsening their symptoms through too much alcohol. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends limiting consumption to two alcoholic drinks or less for men and one alcoholic drink for women per drinking day. 

Skipping appointments

Some seniors may have several doctor appointments a year to manage their health, and it’s common for people to skip an appointment they don’t think is necessary. Though they might not seem important to you, they are scheduled for a reason. Even in times of perceived good health, a doctor can call out signs or symptoms or changes that should be addressed early on before progressing. 

If you have skipped appointments in the past due to lack of transportation, a home health caregiver can assist you in traveling to and from the office. They can also remind you when those appointments are coming up if you simply skip them out of forgetfulness.

Cut down on alone time

Many seniors become accustomed to spending much of their time alone. Too much isolation can negatively affect the mind and body, leading to depression, anxiety, and a weakened immune system. Some alone time can be beneficial to rest and recharge, but regularly engaging in strong relationships will positively affect physical and emotional well-being. 

Home health caregivers can offer another source of companionship to add to your social circle while assisting with tasks you may be struggling to do on your own. 

Call Visiting Angels for help in reaching your goals

Visiting Angels Matawan caregivers provide a wide variety of skilled services to assist in managing day-to-day life from the comfort of your own home. Whether it be the encouragement to stay on track, help with planning and executing your goals, or a friendly confidant to rely on, caregivers can be essential in improving your overall health and well-being. Visiting Angels Matawan serves Southern Middlesex to Northern Monmouth Counties from Woodbridge to Middletown. Reach out today to get a kickstart on your goals this January at (732) 671-2899.

Serving Southern Middlesex to Northern Monmouth Counties from Woodbridge to Middletown

Visiting Angels MATAWAN, NJ
5 Ravine Dr
Matawan, NJ 07747
Phone: 732-671-2899
Fax: 732-671-3394