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Serving Monroe, Pike & Carbon Counties and Surrounding Area

Visiting Angels STROUDSBURG, PA
709 Seven Bridge Rd #101
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Phone: 570-994-1214
Fax: 570-253-9533
Our Experience

Serving Monroe, Pike & Carbon Counties and Surrounding Area

Visiting Angels STROUDSBURG, PA
709 Seven Bridge Rd #101
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Phone: 570-994-1214
Fax: 570-253-9533

Our Experience

In-Home Caregivers for the Elderly in Stroudsburg PA

Experience is important in so many aspects of our life. Having an experienced in-home caregiver for your elderly family member is especially important. An experienced in-home caregiver provides a superior level of care for your elderly loved one. At Visiting Angels Stroudsburg PA, we understand the desire to have an experienced in-home caregiver for your elderly family member.

At Visiting Angels Stroudsburg PA, we hire only the best in-home caregivers for the elderly. For us, this means hiring experience caregivers who are compassionate, generous in spirit and who treat their clients with respect and dignity. We understand how difficult it can be to put your trust in someone else to care for your loved one. We won't betray that trust.

When you choose an in-home caregiver for your elderly family member from Visiting Angels Stroudsburg PA, you can be confident your loved one will receive superior care from a knowledgeable professional. The in-home caregivers we hire to work for elderly individuals in the Stroudsburg area all come to us with previous experience and a strong employment history in the elder care industry. We only hire those in-home caregivers who have the proven skills and experience to provide superior care to our clients. Many of our in-home caregivers for the elderly have their CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant).

Each of our in-home caregivers for the elderly must participate in multiple interviews and provide several valid references from previous clients, health care or other elder care professionals. Each of our in-home caregivers for the elderly must also pass a background check and pre-employment drug test prior to joining the Visiting Angels Stroudsburg PA team.

It is essential to us that we provide the most highly trained and skilled in-home caregivers for your elderly family member. We won't ask you to work with anyone we wouldn't be comfortable recommending to our own family. Our commitment to you is simple. With Visiting Angels Stroudsburg PA, you can choose the experienced, compassionate in-home caregiver for your elderly family member you are most comfortable with.

Experience matters. That's why you will find the Visiting Angels Stroudsburg PA in-home caregivers for the elderly to be experienced, skilled professionals.

Call our East Stroudsburg office today to learn more about our in-home caregivers for the elderly and our at home care services.

Serving Monroe, Pike & Carbon Counties and Surrounding Area

Visiting Angels STROUDSBURG, PA
709 Seven Bridge Rd #101
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Phone: 570-994-1214
Fax: 570-253-9533