Signs Your Elderly Family Member in St. Peters, MO May Need an Elder Care Agency
Visiting Angels is Here to Offer Helpful Tips to St. Peters on How to Know When Seniors Need an Elder Care Agency to Step In
As family members age, we may notice their appearance changing or their pace of everyday life changing. Many aspects of aging are less visible and, as our expert elder care agency team knows, family members might have trouble knowing when it is time to ask for help in the care of an aging loved one. Some signs might be physical, others might be mental or emotional. Whenever you notice these changes or patterns in a loved one, call our elder care agency for assistance.
The Most Common Signs to Look Out For
Poor nutrition. There are many reasons why seniors might find it hard to grocery shop, cook, and plan healthy meals. Changes in mobility, access to transportation, and changes in physical health can all impact an individual’s ability to keep a good diet. You might notice the fridge or freezer stocked with only one kind of food or with empty shelves; you might see symptoms like general weakness, fatigue, and declining health. It is important to also report these changes to your loved one’s doctor.
Unexplained bumps or bruises. You should ask your loved one about any bump that looks like the outcome of a trip, slip, or fall. If your loved one does not remember what caused the bruise, you should report that to the doctor as well. Untreated injuries can result in decreased health overall, and bruises can be a sign of further physical impacts; make sure your loved one has access to the healthcare they may need.
Poor upkeep of home, yard, or appearance. When you see an indoor or outdoor space that is no longer being cared for or if it is evident that your loved one is not caring for themselves every day, that is a strong reason to call an elder care agency for assistance. Poor upkeep can be a sign that the tasks are too taxing or no longer possible for your loved one to accomplish. Changes in appearance, like disheveled or dirty clothing, not bathing regularly, or matted hair can also indicate changes in mobility, balance, or coordination.
What to Do When You Think a Loved One Needs Care
When noticing any of these changes, you should talk to your loved one, talk to their doctor, and then talk with an elder care agency like Visiting Angels of St. Charles. Each of these are signs of new or worsening health symptoms, as well as signs that your loved one may not be able to maintain their health or their home alone anymore. Our senior services include help with all daily tasks that your loved one may struggle with.
If you are concerned about the well-being of a loved one who lives alone, call Visiting Angels of St. Charles today to learn more about our care plans, and how we can help your loved one feel their best every day.
Serving St. Peters, St. Charles, Orchard Farm, Cottleville, Weldon Spring, and the communities of Greater St. Charles
Visiting Angels ST. CHARLES, MO
3555 Veterans Memorial PkwySt. Charles, MO 63303
Phone: 636-244-3777
Fax: 636-244-3780